Other children at bedtime: “I’m thirsty. It’s dark, I can’t sleep. I’m not ready for bed.”
My conscientious child: “Mom, can you set up these child protections because I keep wanting to use the iPad when I know I shouldn’t, and I don’t want to lie when you ask me about it.”
Thankfully, our nightly routine is a place of safety and trust! I don’t always feel prepared for these ‘bedtime bombshells,’ but I lean on God’s wisdom as I chat with Lydia.
(Regarding the tablet, I do monitor her usage, but together we decided this was a good opportunity to practice self-control, so we decided to try moving the tablet to make it less convenient and see if she is able to regulate herself. We will revisit the topic soon.)
Upon further discussion about why this was bothering her, Lydia said, “Well, Jesus can come back at any time, and I don’t want to be caught doing something that’s wrong.” This led to a great discussion about God’s grace and mercy, and the difference between the two!
Then, that led to questions about friends who swear and do other questionable things but say they go to church. These are not Lydia’s closest friends, though it really bothers her at times when they are disrespectful. “If they really knew God, would they act like that?”

We discussed that all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Jesus is the only Way to Heaven (John 14:6), and despite all the good or bad things we do, none of us are deserving. Perhaps Lydia’s friends are unaware of God’s love for them. One way to know God’s people is that they should become more like Him over time.
Then, Lydia said, “When I get to Heaven, I am going to ask God why He didn’t just start over and make everyone love Him?” We discussed how robotic love is not really love at all.
“Ah, well, God can do anything, so He could do that,” she said. I told her there are some things God cannot do such as lie. We have to listen to God’s voice so we are not misled by Satan’s lies and evil schemes. That’s why these conversations with her are so important!
She realized, “Wow, that’s right! I guess there’s no treadmill of love forcing everyone to love God and each other. We have to make a choice.”
We also discussed the ‘common grace’ that God gives to everyone to draw us closer to Him. Some examples include beautiful sunrises and nature, our conscience, laughter with family and friends, safety, etc. God wants each of us to know Him, so we should pray for all our friends and show them God’s love. Yes, it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).
We discussed how some people are afraid of God, but they don’t need to be because He is love. Then, Lydia saying, “I bet they haven’t read Revelation!” Which, of course, led to an End Times discussion about the Rapture and the Antichrist! Lydia understands it is important to be prepared, yet she is also concerned for her friends who are unaware.

I am grateful for my wise and thoughtful girl! What an interesting conversation!
This coming weekend marks the ninth anniversary of Dave’s death and entrance into eternity. The conversations above are all the more important to me because (with God’s salvation and grace), it’s on me to make sure Lydia knows the Way to Heaven by pointing her directly to Jesus! In some ways, my goal is to finish what Dave and I started.
When I think of the last nine years, I see both desperate struggle and overwhelming Victory. Praise God for carrying us this far. He cannot be anything but faithful and good to us, because that’s Who He is!
While I don’t know what’s going on in your life today, I do know God cares all about you and your problems. He is trustworthy and true, so bring Him your fears and concerns.
God can handle all your questions, too. Believe me, I know. Besides, He won’t make you run on an endless treadmill to earn His love!
God, You are so faithful and good. Thanks for your lovingkindness to us! Help us spread Your love and grace to others. Help us show them Who You are. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Questions: What is your favorite Bible verse? Do you enjoy walking or running on a treadmill? If not, is there a different piece of exercise equipment you enjoy more?!
Tasks: Pray for your friends and family who don’t know Jesus. Set a good, loving example of Who He is… sometimes, we inadvertently turn them “off” because of how we act!