Be Prepared, Not Afraid

I don’t know about you, but I could use some good news right now!

The media sure has its hands full with a world-wide epidemic during an election year!

I heard from friends in Italy (and a few other places close to home) discussing the impact of quarantine due to the Coronavirus. I also followed various media posts about people stocking up on bottled water, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper (among other necessities).

I have friends near Nashville, Tennessee, so the recent tornado that went through was quite scary. Everyone I know is safe, however, many others suffered devastating losses.

I heard a sad update yesterday that a local mom’s cancer journey is coming to an end… not the one we had hoped and prayed for. She has young children, making it all more heartbreaking.

I have had my own challenges this week, and I am sure you have, too!

Yes, bad news abounds, but we don’t have to be afraid of the unknowns.

It’s wise to be prepared for trials, but we don’t need to give in to fear.

It is wise to be informed, but we don’t need to panic.

Fear has no place in light of God’s mercy and grace.

He’s got this.

Despite life’s ups and downs, we can be grateful and cling to our Anchor.

When life gets tough and we feel overwhelmed, we can take refuge in Jesus.

We don’t have to worry and try to figure out all the details on our own.

He is the God of both BIG things and SMALL things. Nothing is impossible for Him.

There is no need for any confusion or despair! Just come to Jesus!

Trust Him and do what He says. He will prepare us and give us everything we need.

Yesterday, I listened to the radio in my car as I often do. The songs I heard helped me focus on God’s goodness and provision instead of my concerns and inabilities.

It seemed the songs were handpicked to what I was going through at that moment. The words were just what I needed to feel God’s peace and presence.

Seeing our problems from God’s perspective always changes ours!

Now that’s good news!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your peace, presence, and provision. You are so good and Your love never fails! Fill me with perseverance. I will not fear!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: In times of trouble, what is your reaction? Do you run around like Chicken Little telling everyone the sky is falling? Or, do you run to Jesus telling everyone how faithful He is?!

Tasks: Next time you feel overwhelmed by life or what you hear in the news, STOP immediately. Go straight to the Lord and get His perspective. Let His peace overwhelm you.



One thought on “Be Prepared, Not Afraid

  1. I heard someone say on the radio recently “I don’t know what is going to happen, but I know that God is good.” This little phrase has been a good reminder for me to take my questions and worries to God b/c he is the only one who has the power to navigate these unknowns.

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