Autumnal Antioxidants

It’s amazing how two days can make such a difference in autumnal colors! I took a picture of one of my maple trees on Sunday and then again yesterday. It was a much brighter red! You can see what I mean on my blog Facebook page.

Right after I took the picture yesterday, Lydia told me what she is learning in science class. She is learning about photosynthesis, cell respiration, and fermentation. She described aerobic and anaerobic processes, simple sugar molecules, and leaf pigments. Soon, we tied this back to our maple tree; as the chlorophyll reduces, all the other colors show through!

Lydia was shocked that I understood and use these scientific concepts several times a week in gut health and general nutrition. I explained that leaf pigments show us the antioxidants represented by their colors and how this carries over to plant foods. I always tell my patients to eat the colors of the rainbow when eating fruits and vegetables. They are helpful for cancer prevention, managing blood sugar, protecting the heart, calming down inflammation in the body, and much more! So, if you have pain or health concerns, consider how you can increase your produce!

Free Raspberries Blueberries photo and picture

Two examples of powerful antioxidants are carotenoids and anthocyanins. Carotenoids are a large family, and beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is found in carrots and sweet potatoes, for instance. Anthocyanins are found in red, blue, and purple fruits and vegetables. Think of eggplants, red onions, blueberries, blackberries, and dark grapes. Additionally, green foods contain chlorophyll and other antioxidants, as well as those in the red, yellow, and orange color groups. The darker the color, the more antioxidants. Thus, the blues and greens are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! But, even lighter whites, like onions, potatoes, and cauliflower count!

Plants, such as fruits and vegetables, are nutritional powerhouses! In addition to antioxidants, they also have tons of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are low in calories, which means they can help someone lose weight while maximizing nutrients. Just about everyone should eat a wide variety of produce every day.

However, a few people do need to be wise with their choices. Whole fruits and vegetables are typically better than juices because of the fiber. Certain people have chewing difficulties, so maybe they need softer, cooked items. Or, if someone has kidney stones, they may need to reduce those high in oxalates. Some may need to choose lower potassium options, but most Americans simply don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables! Sadly, many people think fruit-flavored cereal or treats, or powdered vegetable supplements are the same.

Free Fruits Fresh photo and picture

I am so blessed that God makes nutrition so practical (and tasty!). Nutrition is not rocket science; much of it is common sense. God made it fun and pleasant to eat His provision. We can eat according to what is in season and save a little money (fresh, frozen, or canned). What grace! But, it can still be challenging since people get confused by what they see or read online. I often have to bust through nutrition myths. 

Anyway, I enjoyed connecting with Lydia on a topic we can both use and understand. I might have “nerded out” a little on her when explaining the glucose and fructose metabolism, but I know she still loves me. 😉


God, thanks for helping us understand how You made the world, especially in ways that help our bodies. Thanks for providing us with good, healthy food. May we delight in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your favorite fruits and veggies? How are you incorporating them into your meals this season?

Task: Aim to eat the best quality food you can afford across all food groups. Check out this helpful website for ways to eat more fruits and veggies!



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