A Little Bit of Love

Happy Valentine’s week! Is that a thing? Let’s make it a thing. It doesn’t have to be all lovey-dovey. Maybe we can reframe it as an opportunity to show people we care. Plain and simple.

Romance is great, but even married couples have to work at it! Yet, everyone can benefit from a little bit of love. If it helps you get through the week, don’t write a love note, write a thank you note! Take chocolates to work, and share them with your coworkers. Buy yourself flowers just because they make you happy… Spring is around the corner!

Little acts of kindness and love are in style any day of the year!

On Monday, Lydia received a gift in the mail from someone out of state, who is going through a lot of personal challenges and unknowns. But, it was so kind of them to think of Lydia and brighten her day. A little bit of love and generosity go a long way.

The gift was a self-adhesive nail polish kit, which included stickers to put on over the nail polish. Lydia was so excited when they turned out fairly well, for our first time, at least! She sent her friends some pictures and kept talking about how pretty they looked.

Her prayer at bedtime that night included these words: “God, thanks for my nails and for people who love me and think about me all the time. Including You.”

Isn’t that cool how someone in another state loved on Lydia in a small way? Yet, it was perceived as a really big gesture to my girl and turned her heart toward God. In reality, it blessed us both because I could enjoy Lydia’s excitement, and we bonded in the process. You could say, a little bit of love went a very long way!

Then, in the same spirit, Lydia went on to bless me yesterday with a little Valentine gift. I bought her a few little gifts, but I never expect her to do anything for me. She doesn’t have much money or a way to go buy gifts. That didn’t stop her!

Lydia surprised me with a few pieces of the candy she got from school and wrote me a sweet note of appreciation. As any parent will tell you, those are the best gifts.

So, there you have it. Love doesn’t have to be big or flashy. There are lots of way to show people kindness and love. We don’t have to overthink it.

God’s love is so much bigger than we can comprehend… let alone, His grace, mercy, peace, joy, etc. We don’t have to do the great thing… He already has through Jesus. So, relax. Take the pressure off. Just start small, share God’s love, and see what He does!


God, thanks for showing me all the ways You love me, big and small. Help me love like You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you celebrate God’s love this week?

Tasks: Write the note. Buy the chocolate. Enjoy the flowers. Thank God for His love!

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