This summer, I only have a couple main goals. First, get outside as much as possible. And second, introduce Lydia to as many of my favorite outdoor activities as possible. Pretty simple, but not necessarily easy…
Regarding my first goal… Often, on gorgeous days, I feel “stuck” indoors trying to complete my to-do list. I know that sounds lame, but I rarely feel caught up around the house. Still, I have realized that my chores, bills, and laundry will get done eventually. But certain opportunities—like perfect weather in Fargo—are sometimes few and far between!
I don’t want to miss a chance to connect with Lydia, other people, nature, or God’s abundant grace. I want to make the most of the time I have been given.
For my second goal… So far, we have gone birding and on a few bike rides. I’d also like to take Lydia canoeing locally to get her some experience. I’d also love to go on an extended road trip to hike or camp somewhere, but I might have to settle for some smaller day trips. I want to build up Lydia’s endurance but not make her hate the experiences…
This week, I’m extra proud of myself because yesterday, I had a lot of work inside…but I chose to ignore it until later so we could opt outside. Instead of procrastinating, I chose on purpose to postpone the work. As it happened, we accomplished both of my summer goals!
We went to Lindenwood Park near the Red River (bordering Minnesota). We started off on a new path looking for adventure. Lydia let me borrow a small backpack for my phone and keys, but she kept her emoji stickers so she could document ‘how she felt’ about the hike. Lydia wasn’t happy at first…she really just wanted to go to the playground!
On the hike (which was really more of a glorified walk), we saw a dog. Lydia thought it was a wolf because of its markings. After several minutes of no one claiming the dog, I checked the tags and called the owner. Sure enough, the dog was lost!
On our way to meet the owner, we hopped on a (Park) golf cart with a man who was on the same mission. The ride was fun and the dog did surprisingly well at my feet. Lydia thought it was cool we could ignore the ‘wrong way’ signs and that all the cars had to slow down for us. It’s the little things, I guess…!
After we returned the dog, I ran into a coworker and her family. We chatted for a few minutes before I convinced Lydia to walk the half-mile or so to the playground. That quickly turned into a nature walk when she found several pinecones. We also took some selfies and slow-motion videos on the swings. Lydia decided her next emoji sticker would be a peace sign.
It was an exciting afternoon, and I felt we were in the right place at the right time. As we were pulling up to our house, I ran into a neighbor who is a fireman. He previously agreed to help me replace the batteries in my fire alarms. The timing worked well yesterday, and I now have peace of mind. Also, I was grateful to knock that off my to-do list because the batteries were nearly 8 years old!
It’s funny how I often try to accomplish something on my own, but when I let go and follow God’s leading, it turns into a greater blessing! Yesterday, Lydia and I got to have fun together, experience nature, save a lost dog, take a joy ride, see some friends… And with God’s perfect timing, I still got my fire alarm batteries changed!
It was a good day for a good deed! We had quite the adventure and saw God’s grace in it all. I know if I had stayed inside, I would have missed so much!
God, thanks for all You do for me! Thanks for guiding me and providing for me. Open my eyes so I can see You at work all around me—in big and small ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you have any special summer goals or plans? What are your favorite outdoor activities?
Tasks: When possible, opt outside. Let God direct your path and lead you on an adventure. Don’t worry, your indoor chores will still be there when you get back!
Good for you! It sounds like a wonderful day.