Between a Rock and a Hard Place

I have written a lot about choosing faith over fear and moving forward despite obstacles that inevitably arise. But what does that look like? 

Recently, I had a decision to make but was waffling a bit, thinking about the pros and cons. I am at peace now and have taken the first step. But, to get me there, it took prayer, research, and discussion. However, the biggest thing for me was recognizing fear in the background. Yes, it is always a factor, even still!

I quickly saw that the right decision was one that included faith. Faith is not about seeing the answer but the vision of what is possible. Fear and uncertainty cloud our sight and always like to hold us back!

Free Mountain Rock photo and picture

On Sunday, my church’s worship session helped me focus on God. A lot of this blog post came to me then, so I raced home to put down my thoughts. It has evolved a little, but here’s what I wrote on the back of my church notes! 🙂

When you are between a rock and a hard place, lean into the Rock. God is our refuge. He is safe and secure, solid… but don’t try to control Him or restrict His power.

Nothing is impossible for God. Believe He wants to do big things. Take a stand. Be bold and step out in faith! Do the brave thing. Keep an open heart and mind. Keep hope alive.

Be humble and trust that God knows all the details. Give Him the glory for doing what only He can do! He is the “Way Maker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.”

Free Landscape Cape photo and picture

As I move forward, I need these reminders from time to time. I’m grateful God is there to help us make good choices. I hope this encourages you to make faith-filled decisions today. The alternative, fear, is a miserable way to live!

If you have put your faith in Jesus, you have personal access to the God of the Universe. He is with you and for you! You are covered with grace and forgiveness.  You are loved beyond measure. God has chosen you for His infinite purposes!

So, don’t try to limit God. Give Him the space to move and see what He does for you! His power cannot be contained. All He does is GOOD. Nothing can stand against Him!


God, thanks for always coming through for us. Give us wisdom and help us make faith-filled decisions. May we honor You in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you like to make decisions? Do you have a hard time trusting God?

Task: As you make decisions, weigh out the pros and cons. Ask for input from those in your inner circle. Choose wisely, and most of all, don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back. The right choices come with peace, even when you can’t see how all the details fit into place!