Shoeprints in the Snow

On Monday afternoon, I left work early for a dentist appointment. I was walking to my car and was watching my step while looking out for ice. We got a few inches of snow over the weekend, so now everything is white again, and the snow helps cover the ice.

Since then, we’ve had a few days of below-zero temperatures, and this is my favorite kind of winter weather. The bitter cold brings bright blue, sunny skies, no wind, and crunchy snow. I love the sound of the snow when walking and driving!

That day, I noticed all the footprints and, even more so, all the shoe tread patterns. I stopped a few times to look a little closer. I took a picture of my shoeprint since it was a cool pattern. Then I had a good laugh.

I probably looked silly if anyone was looking out their window! Maybe noticing snowy shoeprints is the winter equivalent of “stopping and smelling the roses” or noticing footprints in the sand for all my beach lovers!

What are you noticing this season? How are you spending your time? It’s so easy to hurry about and miss what makes life special.

The next morning, I took a picture of a pretty street on my drive to work. I like it so much I intentionally to that way! Each season is so pretty and winter is a unique time. That day was -10 degrees (F)! But, it was calm and perfect!

As I walked back into my office, I noticed all the other shoe prints in the snow. There were all sorts of shapes, sizes, and patterns representing many people. Some veered off to cross the street, and some turned right or left.

And it struck me… I cannot see my footprints ahead of time, and I can’t always predict the path I will take. But God already knows! He is walking with me, but also ahead of me and behind me! He surrounds me with His favor as with a shield! (Psalm 5:12).

God is directing your path, too. Whatever your next steps are, He already knows. So, you can trust Him to lead you and prepare you. Take heart that He sees you and is guiding you!

Sometimes, looking back and seeing where we’ve been is fun. It’s good to reflect, but don’t let that stop you. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward with Jesus!


God, thanks for leading us and guiding our path! Thanks for all You do to provide for us and protect us. Help us trust You for all we cannot see. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you prefer to consider where you are going or where you have been?

Task: Take a few minutes to look around as you walk. Notice the beauty of the season, wherever you are! Thank God and praise Him for how He is leading you! You may not see it yet, but He already has a plan for you to walk out!