Tuning Out and Tuning In

What do you think of when you hear or read the word “tune?” You may think of the melody in a piece of music, or an action, such as tuning a radio or tuning an instrument. This may include picking up a new frequency as you drive along or changing the channel to find something new. We can also take our vehicle in for a tune-up.

Just as we can tune in, we can tune out! For instance, we can tune out background noise when having a conversation. Or, sometimes, I am playing a game on my phone, and Lydia asks me a question. Not too often, but it does happen, and I have to ask her to repeat her request. We can also tune out of social media or television shows or sinful habits.

I read an article yesterday (not worth posting here) about how people are tuning out political advertising regarding the upcoming November elections. Each side is spending a lot of money to convince voters, and very few of us are paying attention! It seems people have already made up their minds and don’t care about the details now. Or, perhaps they are just tired of the incessant barrage of information! Maybe that’s just me?!

Politics are important, yes. It is our right, privilege, and duty to vote! But, regardless of who ends up winning, God is still in control. He will use anyone in office for His ultimate purposes. Whether they know Him or not. So, we don’t put our hope in a mere human, but in Jesus alone!

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The closer we draw to Jesus, we start to see things as they really are. As we tune out of world’s noise, the less thrilling it becomes. At best, our bling becomes blah. At worst, well, I’m thinking total filth, dirty rags. The glamour and excitement fade away when we realize all Jesus has done for us. That’s not to say things aren’t still worthwhile; it’s just that they don’t hold power over us anymore.

Nothing and no one compares to Jesus! In Him, we can lay down our desires and expectations and look for greater things. All things become new!

There are many ways to draw close and tune our hearts to God. We can pray and seek Him as we go about our day. We can read the Bible and learn about Him. We can listen for His voice and do what He says, right away. Trust and obey!

We can tune in for a deeper understanding of who God is and what He has done for us. We can better grasp His forgiveness, which changes everything! We can drop all pretense that it all depends on us. We can eagerly await eternity with Jesus, yet live for Him today!

We can observe His work in our lives. He has good plans for our lives, and we just have to walk them out. With gratitude, we can find His grace and provision for all our needs!

Wherever you find yourself today, I encourage you to tune in to all God has for you! Perhaps sing a little melody to Him. He is so good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all You do for us! Help us turn away from worthless things, and help us tune in to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Who or what are you tuning into this week? Where is your hope? Do you need a tune-up?

Task: Listen to this old hymn: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”