Finding Grace #449

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was full of a special kind of grace, a sweet mix of work and rest.

Work was busy, like usual, but somehow, it all turned out well. I was able to stay on top of my charting and help a few of my coworkers. I am grateful for God’s help!

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to meet and listen to a well-known plant-based doctor and researcher speak at the Fargo Theater downtown. Dr. Neal Barnard lives in the Washington, DC area, but he grew up in Fargo! I have many plant-based nutrition books, but I bought one of his new ones so he could sign it. 🙂 He said he wanted to clone me as a dietitian! 🙂 He was very down-to-earth, and his sister and three brothers sat behind me. Dr. Barnard was an excellent speaker, so funny and relatable. Naturally, he talked a lot about fruits, veggies, and antioxidants! Indeed, I may use some of his examples for my own patients. It was a really cool event, and I will keep thinking about it in the coming days!

Before that, I went back to Trefoil Park and noticed even more fall colors since I was there last week. I spent quite a while walking around and taking pictures. In fact, this was a great week for nature walks! I went to Lindenwood Park (ND) and Gooseberry Park (MN) on Friday to do the same, and I also walked around my neighborhood on a hunt for pretty trees! It was a gorgeous week!

Today, Lydia and I have mostly relaxed. I worked on a few small projects and made some vegetable soup. We are rewatching The Chosen and might play a game, too!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Autumnal Antioxidants

It’s amazing how two days can make such a difference in autumnal colors! I took a picture of one of my maple trees on Sunday and then again yesterday. It was a much brighter red! You can see what I mean on my blog Facebook page.

Right after I took the picture yesterday, Lydia told me what she is learning in science class. She is learning about photosynthesis, cell respiration, and fermentation. She described aerobic and anaerobic processes, simple sugar molecules, and leaf pigments. Soon, we tied this back to our maple tree; as the chlorophyll reduces, all the other colors show through!

Lydia was shocked that I understood and use these scientific concepts several times a week in gut health and general nutrition. I explained that leaf pigments show us the antioxidants represented by their colors and how this carries over to plant foods. I always tell my patients to eat the colors of the rainbow when eating fruits and vegetables. They are helpful for cancer prevention, managing blood sugar, protecting the heart, calming down inflammation in the body, and much more! So, if you have pain or health concerns, consider how you can increase your produce!

Free Raspberries Blueberries photo and picture

Two examples of powerful antioxidants are carotenoids and anthocyanins. Carotenoids are a large family, and beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is found in carrots and sweet potatoes, for instance. Anthocyanins are found in red, blue, and purple fruits and vegetables. Think of eggplants, red onions, blueberries, blackberries, and dark grapes. Additionally, green foods contain chlorophyll and other antioxidants, as well as those in the red, yellow, and orange color groups. The darker the color, the more antioxidants. Thus, the blues and greens are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! But, even lighter whites, like onions, potatoes, and cauliflower count!

Plants, such as fruits and vegetables, are nutritional powerhouses! In addition to antioxidants, they also have tons of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are low in calories, which means they can help someone lose weight while maximizing nutrients. Just about everyone should eat a wide variety of produce every day.

However, a few people do need to be wise with their choices. Whole fruits and vegetables are typically better than juices because of the fiber. Certain people have chewing difficulties, so maybe they need softer, cooked items. Or, if someone has kidney stones, they may need to reduce those high in oxalates. Some may need to choose lower potassium options, but most Americans simply don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables! Sadly, many people think fruit-flavored cereal or treats, or powdered vegetable supplements are the same.

Free Fruits Fresh photo and picture

I am so blessed that God makes nutrition so practical (and tasty!). Nutrition is not rocket science; much of it is common sense. God made it fun and pleasant to eat His provision. We can eat according to what is in season and save a little money (fresh, frozen, or canned). What grace! But, it can still be challenging since people get confused by what they see or read online. I often have to bust through nutrition myths. 

Anyway, I enjoyed connecting with Lydia on a topic we can both use and understand. I might have “nerded out” a little on her when explaining the glucose and fructose metabolism, but I know she still loves me. 😉


God, thanks for helping us understand how You made the world, especially in ways that help our bodies. Thanks for providing us with good, healthy food. May we delight in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your favorite fruits and veggies? How are you incorporating them into your meals this season?

Task: Aim to eat the best quality food you can afford across all food groups. Check out this helpful website for ways to eat more fruits and veggies!



Finding Grace #448

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun-filled week! I worked hard but also intentionally rested.

Work went well, and we started a new fiscal year. I had several good patients and had a mix of meetings, webinars, and problem-solving.

Yesterday, after work, I went to a park nearby to read and walk around. It was beautiful! I stayed about two hours and then went to some gardens by NDSU, where I spent another hour or so. The flowers were so pretty. While I was there, I called my mom, and I loved catching up!

After that, I met six coworkers for dinner at a local speakeasy-type restaurant. It was dark and hidden, though not really a secret! We split some yummy appetizers and laughed a lot. We can’t wait to go out again soon!

This morning, Lydia and I met some friends for coffee. We stayed nearly three hours chatting with the mom and daughter! It was fun, and I am sure we could have stayed a lot longer! 😀

Later, we did a few chores but mostly relaxed. I did a little exercise and also took a nap!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

No One Beside Jesus

A few Sunday evenings ago, my family was on Zoom when my four-year-old nephew, Alex, brought out his Beginner’s Bible. He started going through it page by page, and my sister answered his questions. Alex would point to a Bible character on the cover and then go find them in the book. “That’s David. He was a king. That’s Samson. He was strong.”

Alex has been learning about Moses at preschool, so we heard how he was in a basket in the river because he was in danger. Alex doesn’t understand the rest of the story yet, but it was cute!

Soon, he got to Jesus! He spent several minutes going through Jesus’ life. “That’s him as a baby. There he is with some kids. Why is he on the cross? Who were the robbers?” My sister explained that Jesus didn’t do anything wrong, so he didn’t deserve to die, but the robbers did. The next page showed the tomb guarded by the Roman soldier, and next was the empty grave! 

I could have watched Alex talk about Jesus and his Bible all day. It was precious to see his little heart open up, a great reminder that Jesus is for everyone. The gospel is so simple that even a four-year-old can understand it! Awhile back, I bought him a Jesus Storybook Bible, and I am sure he will be into that one of these days.

Free Bible Book photo and picture

The gospel is GOOD NEWS, but it is not necessarily easy. It can be tough to come to terms with our sin and change our trajectory. Thankfully, with the loving help and conviction of the Holy Spirit, we don’t have to do it alone. Jesus did all the heavy work!

It is vital to know what you believe and why. This includes connecting with God through daily prayer and Bible reading. It means reading Scripture for yourself and wrestling with its meaning. It’s learning about the heart of God.

I love resources that can help! A good concordance or commentary can be really helpful. Learning the cultural and historical context can help you glean more insights you might have missed! I also thought this article was on identifying true and false ‘gospels.’

For the month of October, Desiring God has a special project, Here We Stand, to highlight short biographies of people whose choices and convictions led to the Protestant Reformation. Regardless of your denomination, it is helpful to learn the history of our faith! Who knows—perhaps there is some value if you are Catholic as well!

We have been singing a song lately at church, called “No One Beside,” by Elevation Worship. I have had it in my head for the last three days! The chorus is as follows:

Oh magnify the Lord
Let us exalt His name together

No one beside You, Lord
Honor and praise are Yours forever

Offhand, I don’t know the rest of the lyrics, but you can listen to them here. 🙂

Today, I am meditating on what it means to have ‘no one beside’ Jesus. The entire Bible is about Him! Jesus is the King of the Universe, and all things were made through Him and for Him. Nobody but Jesus died and rose again to save me and give me eternal life and the riches of HIs grace. He alone is worthy of all my praise!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the gift of Jesus! Help me keep Jesus as the most important thing, first and foremost. In His Name, Amen

Question:  What does it mean to you to have ‘no one beside’ Jesus? How does that impact your life and personal choices?

Task: Take a little time to consider how you can put Jesus first. Also, maybe check out the Here We Stand biographies (at the bottom of the web page)! There will be a new one posted every day in October!