
Today, I am thinking about the word “influencer,” which is a buzzword these days. There is a little nuance in that it can feel cheesy at best and like manipulation at worst.  People are vying for a chance to be noticed, liked, and make money. They chase the next cool thing, often selling things they don’t believe in or understand. But, there is a lot of in-between, too.

Galatians 1:10, says, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Others influence us in person and online every day. And, people are watching us, too, even when we don’t realize it. We cannot chase success or approval from others. But, we can humbly recognize that we also have great influence. Yes, we carry the Holy Spirit everywhere we go! He wants to be the most influential in our lives!

For starters, He has given us spiritual gifts and helps us bear spiritual fruit. Through the Holy Spirit, we also have the same power in us that raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-21)! We have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:15-16). Ultimately, He is the only one we live for. “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

We can make someone’s day by demonstrating grace and kindness. This may include organizing a meal train or sending an encouraging word. It doesn’t have to be a lot of effort. Sometimes, we are the ones who start it, and sometimes, we are the ones who finish it. Each role is important.

In the last couple of weeks, I have gotten to be an “influencer” in many worthwhile ways. I shared some health tips I have found helpful with my friends. No, I did not make any money doing so, in fact, I even spent a little money! 😉

At work, we encouraged a coworker going through a hard time. She’s taken on the role of a caregiver, and so we want to support her. I sent an email with some ideas, and everyone was on board. I collected donations and ran some errands, but it was a team effort.

Yesterday, I requested some help in remembering someone who is grieving. Think of a ‘love bomb’ type of thing! It will be fun to see how that turns out.

We don’t have to travel far or go out of our way to be influencers. As a parent, the person I influence the most sits at my dinner table! Lydia and I talk about positive and negative influences several times a week!

Finally, it is essential to be yourself and walk in your strengths. Confidence can make all the difference! Remember who you are in Christ and trust Him to work through you!


God, thanks for Your abundant grace and magnanimous influence in our lives. Protect us and help us walk wisely so we may influence others for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Who are you influencing? Is your impact helpful and encouraging, or harmful?

Tasks: Consider your words and actions, as well as the impact they have.

Finding Grace #445

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Butterfly Flower photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week full of various social interactions, some planned and unplanned!

I saw a monarch butterfly; I don’t recall the last time I saw one in person! I’m sure I will notice more now that I am aware.

This week, we had another birthday celebration at work. I also enjoyed some good conversation and a couple of lunchtime walks with various coworkers. I am grateful to work with a fabulous group of ladies!

Lydia has naturally curly hair, but we had fun straightening it this week. It was just a whim, not an everyday thing. She has asked to try it many times, and I found a way to do it easily. I don’t expect to do it often, but she was happy when all her friends noticed! 🙂

On Wednesday, I attended an informational meeting at Lydia’s school for a cool opportunity in the Spring. I saw one of her friends, a girl from our neighborhood. They were good friends in grade school, but during COVID, they ended up on different paths. In middle school, they have grown close again. The mom and I got to catch up this week, and I am grateful for another family cheering us on!

On Friday, I mowed again after work since the next several days will be busy. I think the weather is starting to change, so I hope I won’t need to mow too many more times!

Last night and today have a bit of a whirlwind. Last night, Lydia went to hang out with a friend. When I went to pick her up, I talked with the girl’s parents for quite a while, discovering we have some mutual friends. We had such a fun time laughing and playing with their puppy. I even asked for their input on something, and God answered a prayer by giving me peace of mind. Then, I came home and had a good long conversation with my uncle for an hour! It was also very good to chat with him, though it was a late night before an early morning commitment.

Today, we had a special church event in the morning. It was a celebration of sorts and an opportunity to encourage volunteers. We had some yummy food and heard a good message from a visiting pastor. I am grateful for all God has doing!

Tonight, we are meeting up with my Aunt Terry! She came from Illinois to see some of her extended family as she did in 2021. It will be wonderful to see her!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Peace vs. Chaos

For the last two mornings, I woke up earlier than my alarm. I thought about returning to bed, but I decided I probably wouldn’t get much rest. Then, the Holy Spirit has reminded me that I requested extra time in my day to Journible through the book of Galatians. I decided to just go with it!

Even though I am trying to go to bed earlier, I have still been a little short on sleep. But, I know if God wakes me up, then He will cover me. His mercies are new every morning, and His grace is sufficient!

So far, I have spent about twenty minutes copying God’s Word before heading downstairs to exercise. Sometimes, just taking the first step is the most important thing! It has felt good to start my day in a peaceful manner, and it has set my whole day off on a good path!

Galatians is about the Apostle Paul setting early Christians straight and clarifying some significant issues that were creeping in and causing chaos. Some thought they had to keep all the former Jewish laws and were trying to enforce them on others. However, Paul writes about God’s gospel of grace, found in Jesus’ death and resurrection alone.

It’s not about doing more; it’s about drawing close. Nothing more, nothing less.

Free Mountains Lake photo and picture

In light of Jesus’ Good News of grace and forgiveness, there is a stark difference between peace and chaos. Sometimes, chaos results from personal choices, and sometimes, it happens to us (cancer or 9/11 or grief, for example). Chaos feels inevitable if we don’t actively pursue peace. Yes, we must challenge ourselves to remain at peace!

Over the years, I have seen a disturbing pattern. People around me living in chaos, unable to find true peace. They run all over trying a million things, ignoring the Prince of Peace, Jesus. Sadly, the chaos often spills over to affect their families and others around them. Indeed, their poor decisions can impact generations after them in a ripple effect.

Signs of peace may include quiet, clarity, harmony, unity, joy, gratitude, generosity, patience, rest, and a slower pace. Sticking with something long-term and not giving up just because it is difficult indicates a sense of peace. To some, peace may align with boredom, but it brings freedom and space for doing life’s essentials. Not rushing around means I can maintain my priorities and have flexibility in my schedule.

Chaos may come with noise, confusion, distraction, fear, anxiety, anger, blame, flashiness, busyness, frenetic speed, and exhaustion. Ideals and commitments are often tossed aside. Frequently switching jobs, relationships, vehicles, or jobs (chasing novelty) may indicate chaos. There is nothing wrong with novelty, but it can’t be the main thing.

Peace involves guarding your heart, while the trainwreck of chaos causes major heartbreak. I have seen people panic and make huge mistakes that ruined their careers, marriages, and reputations. Some have even lost their homes. Yes, there is forgiveness, but people don’t forget or trust again so easily, and they have struggled to make their comeback. But, there is hope in the midst of turmoil.

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” This verse is from Nahum 1:7, but we see God calling us to Him all throughout Scripture. Jesus said His peace is different from any ‘sense’ of peace the world offers (overused words like self-care and wellness come to mind… good to a point, but not the final solution!).

In another letter/book, Paul tells us to “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…” (Colossians 3:15). This means we must give all the chaos to Jesus and let Him calm our hearts. We must give Him full reign and let Him dictate our course.

I sure don’t do everything perfectly, but I am determined to maintain my God-given sense of peace, whatever the cost. That means staying close to Jesus and listening to the Holy Spirit. Asking for His input first, not just making my own assumptions.

Jesus promised us His very own peace, a gift from the Holy Spirit, who lives in those who follow Christ. He planted the spiritual fruit of peace, but we must cultivate it in the right environment. I’m grateful that He is faithful and trustworthy to help us! If we let Him!


God, thanks for Your overwhelming peace, which anchors me! Help me move at Your pace so that I can maintain my peace. Let my gratitude, generosity, and grace grow so I can spread Your peace to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in a season of plentiful peace or constant chaos? What are you doing about it?

Tasks: Be humble and check your heart. Let God lead and make any changes with a joyful heart.

Finding Grace #444

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Orange Flowers Flowers photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly peaceful week! 

We enjoyed having Monday off for Labor Day. I used it as a free day for the most part! I caught up with a few small projects but also tried a new recipe, read a book, and played a game with Lydia. It was fun just to spend time together!

Work went well Tuesday through Friday. I had friendly patients and did meaningful work. One of my coworkers returned from maternity leave, so catching up with her was fun! We also celebrated someone’s birthday, and it was my turn to bring a treat! I made magic cookie bars, and they were a hit. Yum!

This week, a new family moved into the house across the street. We brought some cookies and met some of the family. One of the girls is about Lydia’s age. I hope to get to know them all better!

Yesterday, after work, I ran a few errands and then decided to mow. The grass was indeed long enough, but it was also a beautiful day in the 70s! I enjoyed being outside. As I was mowing, two of the kids across the street stopped by to check out my little free library. They said they love to read!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Focused, Not Frazzled

Well, we are a couple of weeks into Lydia’s school year! She’s starting well and seems to be enjoying it. She has been tackling homework, and I am helping her stay on track and set some boundaries with her time. There are natural consequences if she “forgets” to complete an assignment, and we are both learning as we go!

Sometime last year, I felt God prompt me to stay available for Lydia. It’s just the two of us at home, and I am her main support. So, I have needed to say ‘no’ to many requests for my time to have flexibility. I won’t say I have cleared my schedule completely, but by and large, that’s exactly what I’ve done!

When Lydia was younger, I was much more active with friends, church, and moms groups. She was well-behaved, and I could trust her to attend events with me. As a single mom, I didn’t have many other options! I quickly learned that if I wanted to be involved in something, it had to work for Lydia, too. Often, that meant hosting events at our house so she could go to bed at a reasonable hour.

I volunteered last fall at church for a Wednesday night class. It worked well since Lydia was there at youth group. I loved meeting some new friends! But the class has changed to a different evening, and I chose not to be involved so I can be home in the evenings. Perhaps it will work out in the future, but I am confident I made the right choice for now. 

Time is flying, and I know I won’t always have this opportunity with Lydia. I am grateful for God leading me to step back a little. Anyone can serve in their free time, but only I can be Lydia’s mom!

Free Leaf Hand photo and picture

All of this has been good for me, too! I have enjoyed a slower pace, which is probably my natural preference. Slow and steady wins the race… 🙂 I have loved having time to pray and listen to God because my mind is focused, not frazzled. I am also enjoying getting up early to exercise before work. As a result, I have more energy, less pain, and a better attitude. All because I said yes to God and no to other things.

That doesn’t mean I am doing nothing with or for other people. I talk with people all day at work, serving them to the best of my ability. If anything, because I am well-rested, I am more present and patient with my patients!

Outside of work, I sometimes meet with people God Himself puts in my path – often on a last-minute basis. I will encourage another single mom when she calls. I may write a note to a friend in need. I can go meet the new neighbors because I am not rushing out the door.

I know this season won’t last forever, so I will trust God and His timing. We are still plenty ‘busy’ with mowing, house chores, work, school, etc., but I appreciate having less stress and more peace. All advantages of listening to God and doing what He says!

His thoughts are higher, and His ways are greater. He knows exactly what we need!


Lord, thanks for helping me find peace in this season. Give me the strength and wisdom to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to the right things. May I have a humble heart and be quick to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What do you perceive God is prompting you to do? If it is the same old message, try obedience.  If you are having trouble hearing Him, start with the last thing you know for sure! After you’ve tackled that, He will probably say something new!

Task: Take a little time out this week to listen to God. Pause and seek solitude. Turn off social media and any other distractions. Check in with Him and see if you need to make any changes.