Our Daily Bread

I don’t know about you, but I have already gone to the store twice this week for groceries! The first time, I forgot bread, so I had to go back for it. I also picked up a few other things since I was there and all.

The bread reminded me of the verse in Matthew 4:4, in which Jesus said, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” In context, He is quoting from Deuteronomy 8:3, referencing the manna that God sent to feed the millions of Israelites after they were led out of bondage in Egypt.

Jesus is talking to Satan after a forty-day fast in the wilderness. Satan is tempting Jesus with grandiose (yet empty) promises if only He would bow down and worship him. And yes, the Bible does specify that Jesus was hun-gry!

Jesus often used common everyday items to point to profound truths. Interestingly, in John 6, Jesus multiplies five loaves to feed 5,000+ people, and soon after He calls Himself the Bread of Life. He is all we really need!

Free Bread Loaf photo and picture

Anyway, I have been thinking about bread this week and how God often shows me grace and provision before I even realize I need it!

Lydia goes back to school today, and this week, I’ve had several other random tasks on top of normal priorities. Each night, I have at least two obligations—last night, it was three!

For example, I left work an hour and a half early yesterday (Tuesday) to write this post before going to Lydia’s school to meet the teachers. Then, we needed to eat dinner, before I edited my blog and attended an online workshop—all that before trying to go to bed early!

But, it all turned out well because God made sure I didn’t have a late patient scheduled. In His wisdom, He knew I would be crunched for time before I did. So, He made me aware of the opportunity to leave, let my manager agree, and helped me finish some charting that was due all in the nick of time.

God also reordered my steps a few times as the night progressed. By His grace, I accomplished everything that needed my attention and time. As in the Lord’s Prayer, He really does give me my daily bread!

Free Loaf Bread photo and picture

One “God factor” that has helped me is that our church added an earlier Sunday service, which matches my Monday through Friday start time at work! Thus, I’ve decided to stay on the same basic schedule by going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time each day. There are days it still feels like I’m running around, but it feels good to be consistent.

Thank God for His grace because I have had the goal to wake up early (trying on and off) for well over a decade. Sometimes, it’s a struggle, and I am tempted to roll over and go back to sleep. The difference now is that I have wanted to get up early, and generally, I haven’t felt like it is a chore.

I enjoy spending time with God in the quiet mornings, and putting Him first is always a good idea. But when I am short on sleep, it is hard to focus. This time, I don’t feel I am just relying on my own feeble effort. History shows that doesn’t work well!

I may need to adjust my sleeping pattern a bit, but I’m currently doing some gentle movement and stretching while I connect with Jesus. It’s been a great start to my day!

All in all, I am grateful for God’s help in pivoting and persevering. He always knows exactly what I need!


God, thanks for feeding us with Your Word, and for giving us Jesus, the Bread of Life and Your Word made flesh. Help me keep my priorities in the proper order—You first and foremost, while trusting You for bread and everything else. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your favorite kind of bread? Where else do you see the significance of bread in the Bible? (Among other things, Jesus also uses it to signify His body in Communion!)

Tasks: Let God direct your path today. If you need a little daily encouragement, check out “Our Daily Bread” online or in print. You can learn more about these short, encouraging devotions here.