Four Kinds of Sight

My friend and coworker – the other Natalie! – posted a link online yesterday encouraging people to watch and listen. It was a recent homily from Father Mike Schmitz, a priest in Duluth. I am not Catholic, but I can learn from anyone. And, I appreciate hearing about different branches of Christianity. We can always come back to the commonalities we have in Jesus!

We have many deep and spiritual conversations in our downtime, so I gave it a go! I am glad I did. Father Mike referenced the Israelites complaining out in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt. We sometimes think they were fools, but we are much the same.

Father Mike talked about four different kinds of spiritual sight or vision. This has less to do with our actual eyes and more with our attitude or heart. I will only capture the main points here, with a few of my own thoughts, but I strongly encourage you to listen. It’s really good!

To start, Father Mike mentioned that we become short-sighted when we can only see what’s right in front of us. That might include focusing on our circumstances, such as grief, problems, or lack. In these moments, we refuse to admit there is more beyond what we see right now. We grow impatient, place blame, and want to give up or return to our comfort zone. Egyptian slavery wasn’t all that great either, but at least the Israelites knew what to expect!

Free Sinai Desert photo and picture

He then talked about having foresight when we want to know the future. It is fine to look forward knowing the best is yet to come. The problem is that we fail to appreciate and trust all God has done. We just want answers… and to skip ahead of the pain! Instead of worrying, we can rest and lean on Jesus. He is faithful and good.

His third example is relying on hindsight. This occurs when we look backward. Instead of reflecting and learning to move forward, we stay stuck in the past. If we only trust in what we can see or know, that’s not really trust or hope. We have to learn and let go to keep growing.

Finally, Father Mike said the only real option is using insight. Insight happens when we slow down to gain Jesus’ perspective and see what He is doing. We acknowledge the trials and accept His presence. We understand God has led us where we are, and He has not abandoned us. It might be dark or crazy, but He will help us get through it. We can wait for Him to move on our behalf. 

There’s so much more I didn’t jot down here, but I hope you are blessed as much as I was. After listening, I thanked Natalie for sharing the link, and we chatted about which of these ‘four sights’ we most relate to right now. I appreciate having friends and coworkers who know Jesus because we can pray for and encourage one another. God is so good!


God, thanks for being with us in every stage of life. Thanks for leading us and giving us vision. Help us see You clearly and follow You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What type of sight do you relate to most right now?

Task: Listen to the homily linked above. It is about twenty minutes long. I’d love to know your thoughts after!