Signs and Signals

I love to shop online, as it is often faster and easier. The items come right to my door! However, I also want to promote local businesses when I can. It is fun to see products in person and pick out the best option. Then, I can decide in the moment if it’s right for me.

Recently, I went to a few stores looking for specific things. I have to admit, I was a little annoyed when I showed up and saw they had summer hours. I have no problem with changing their hours if it is less busy during this season. The issue was that I didn’t know until I showed up! Often, the stores are out of my way, and so it felt like I wasted my time.

I parked, got out of my car, and then walked up to the entrances four separate times (one store twice on different days). That’s when I saw the sign that the stores were closed. I was irked because I looked up their hours online, but they were incorrect.

One of the stores posted that its hours had changed due to a family illness. I understand that, but I hope they can update their website soon and/or find someone to help cover while they heal. Another store has such random hours that it will take me a week to get back there since I work during the day. I took a picture of their sign and could possibly order from them online. But, the shipping costs are more than I want to pay when I could just pick it up.

Free Phone Confused photo and picture

Unfortunately, the signs on the doors did not reflect what I expected when I looked online. This happened all last week, so I started to notice the pattern. It was rather frustrating, though not the worst thing in the world.

I also thought of the signs and signals we portray to others. If we ignore people, they may not want to confide in us. If we grumble and complain, we may not portray our gratitude or the hope we have in Jesus. If we swear and yell at people, we may not reflect the grace God has given us.

Then again, people often make assumptions about each other anyway. We tend to judge and misjudge clothing, cars, lawns, and more! Someone who smiles often could be seen as joyful or like they have no problems! Someone who is quiet could come across as rude, socially awkward, or just shy. That’s why it’s good to try to understand and learn more about one another.

Clearly, we cannot live our lives to please every person we meet. That’s impossible and unnecessary. But, we can consider culture, circumstances, upbringing, personality, and other factors.

Overall, we need to do the best we can to please Jesus. However, it might be worth considering what signs and signals we are giving off. Perceptions are a two-way street! A negative vibe could turn away the very people God wants us to reach. While we can’t be true friends with everyone, we can be friendly and cheerful to anyone we see.

While it is not our job to save everyone, it is wise to connect with as many people as possible so they can meet Jesus, who does the saving! Ultimately, we can listen to the Holy Spirit’s signals and not worry about the rest!


God, thanks for creating each of us uniquely. Help us grow in knowledge and understanding of those around us. Give us grace for one another. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever been misjudged? Was it all on the other person, or was there something in your control, too? Is there any situation you misread and need to reconsider? Is there someone to whom you could extend grace?

Tasks: Pray about your next steps this week. Consider how you can be more open with others and show them God’s grace, too! Forgive those who have misinterpreted your signals, as well!