Chasing After the Wind

For the past month or so, I have been diligent in taking a walk during my lunch at work. In fact, I have been walking most of the time and eating at my desk later.

It has taken me months to follow through on my original intention, but I am proud of myself! I finally decided that being active with a thirty-minute walk was a better mental break. Stepping away from my desk helps me reset and feel prepared for the rest of the day. I will eat something either way, but the walk has been easier to let slide. But, if I prioritize the walk, the rest will fall into place.

Currently, I am able to go outside most days and take various paths around the local neighborhoods. I take my phone, don’t stray too far, and make sure there are others around for safety. Sometimes, I go with a coworker. On rainy days or in winter, I can head downstairs to the little gym at work.

Historically, I have tried to exercise at home in the evening, but if something pops up unexpectedly, I may not get around to it. So, at least now I can feel good that I have already taken a walk. I don’t worry about it too much either way.

Free Lake Windy photo and picture

On Monday, I was taking my walk, and it was extremely windy and loud. I texted Lydia to check in instead of calling her because I didn’t think she’d be able to hear me clearly. Thankfully, she was able to grab our garbage can before it blew away like our neighbors’ did!

After that, I thought about the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19; the wind he faced must’ve been fierce! Then, there was an earthquake and, later, a fire. But the Lord was not found in those powerful forces. Eventually, He came in a whisper or a still, small voice.

Anyway, I decided to just focus on what God might be saying. I didn’t sense anything specific, but it was a fun experience filled with expectation in His presence. Because I was not too distracted, I noticed the trees blowing, a peaceful park, and some little kids who waved hello.

By Monday night, the thunderstorm had arrived. It rained for quite a while, and the next day, I noticed several sticks and larger branches lying around. On Tuesday, I really had to pay attention to avoid the branches, mud, puddles, and uneven pavement!

While I walked, another famous passage came to my mind from Ecclesiastes 1:14. This is when King Solomon perceived the futility of life without God is like chasing after the wind. Yes, so many people try to figure out life on their own. We are bombarded by “bright and shiny” things all the time, but really, there is nothing new under the sun.

I wonder how many times we are looking for the next exciting thing but overlook what God is doing right around us. Are we looking for what we think is best, or are we pursuing God’s best in Jesus? Are we chasing the fleeting wind or chasing Almighty God? Afterall, he is Master over the wind.

Let’s slow down and pay attention as we walk with God. Then, we will be able to understand His plan for us, know we are on the right track, and change course quickly, if needed. He can “blow” us where we need to go or protect us along the way!


Heavenly Father, thanks for pursuing us with all Your love, mercy, and grace! You alone are worthy – may we chase after You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How have you connected with God this week? Do you have any nice walking paths where you live?

Tasks: If you find yourself chasing your tail or chasing after the wind, take a little walk or sit and listen for the Lord. He can be found amid noise and chaos, but chances are He will be waiting in the silence for you. Write down what you perceive He is telling you and verify it in Scripture.