Doing A Good Job

It’s Olympics season, and it has already been a wild ride! I have not been able to follow along as closely as I would like, but I have been catching clips of various events.

It is fun to cheer for those who consistently win, such as Simone Biles, Suni Lee, and Katie Ledecky. But it is also fun to cheer for the underdogs.

You may have heard about the US Men’s gymnastics team yesterday. It has been many years since they earned a medal, but yesterday was their day!

People all around the world are talking about specialist Stephen Nedoroscik. He only came to the Olympics for one thing: pommel horse. Choosing him was controversial because he is not as skilled in the other areas and could possibly hurt the overall team score.

But yesterday, he aced it with a laser focus. He knew what he needed to do and came through with flying colors. I saw a quote where he said he was not bothered to be last. He looked at it like he could be an “exclamation point” at the end of the long day! That is a great perspective!

I can’t imagine how many hours and years of practice it takes to be an Olympian. But, I do know they have to keep showing up, working hard, and getting back on track over and over again. They know they have a job to do, and no one else will do it for them!

Free Old Gym In Hot Springs Fordyce photo and picture

As Christians, we also have a job to do, though it looks different for each of us. The main thing we have in common is Jesus. We are on His team and follow Him. But beyond that, He created each person for a unique purpose. I love that we are all different!

Yesterday, I also learned of the recent, sudden death of a lady who inspired me to move forward with my blog. In 2015, I had started writing blog posts in May, but didn’t go live until my birthday in August. That week, I attended a conference hosted by this lady, and I told her I was nervous to “put myself out there.” She validated my concern and encouraged me to go live anyway. I am so glad I did.

We cannot live to please others, only God. But, each of us can influence each other toward success. We cannot afford to waste time since so much is at stake. The comments and condolences on my friend’s social media page showed she did her job well. She knew she was on a God-given mission and went after it with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength.

When we don’t do our job, there are consequences—too many to list here! Of course, we never know when our last day will be, so we should always do our best and aim to finish strong. May we hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I want to be known as someone who is dependable and who comes through in a pinch. I may not be the best at everything, but I can be the best at being who God made me to be. Even if I am still figuring it out! 😉

I may not have all the answers, but I can keep pointing you and others to the One who does. I can show up, pray for others, and encourage them not to give up.

We all have it in us to be good neighbors, friends, family members, and employees. We often don’t understand our impact until much later! Yet, our primary goal should be to bring honor and glory to Jesus, not ourselves! So, bottom line, let’s do our job (whatever that is) and do it well. We can trust God to take care of the rest!


God, thanks so much for Your kindness in calling and equipping us to follow You. May we always do our best and serve you with joy as an act of worship. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch? Do you know your God-given mission in life?

Task: Create a mission statement for your life. Pray about what God has created you for and how He wants to use you. Then, seek Him with all your heart and do your best!


Finding Grace #438

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Us Navy Military photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was pretty exciting!

Work was busy but good. I had some complex patients and appreciated working with other providers to serve them. Eating or not eating affects everything, and I felt I made a difference this week!

On Monday evening, I decided to mow my lawn. I knew it would be hot later in the week, and it needed to be done. However, I was surprised when the ‘Frecce Tricolori,’ the Italian Air Force Aerobatic Team flew over my house (twice)! I later learned they stopped in Fargo to refuel on their way to the Oshkosh, WI, air show. It was fun to see the green, white, and red colors of their flag trailing behind!

Also, this week, the US Navy Blue Angels are in town for the Fargo Airsho today and tomorrow. The airport is off the same road as the VA, so for a couple of days, I saw them practicing as I went out for my lunch break. I probably stood in awe more than I walked! I have already seen them flying over my house today but we may join some friends tomorrow to watch as well. (Note: The picture above is a stock photo, not mine!)

Ironically, the VA also hosted a brass quintet from the US Navy! I followed some sailors outside as I headed out for another lunchtime walk. On my way back, I paused to watch and listen to them play!

Yesterday afternoon, I took Lydia to the music store for a quick check-in before school starts next month. It turns out she has outgrown her 6th-grade viola and came home with a gorgeous new rental! It was perfect timing for the upgrade, and we already love the sound!

After that, we went back-to-school shopping. I bought Lydia some new shoes and a few notebooks, highlighters, and pencils. She can reuse much of what she had last year since she no longer needs “little kid” things like scissors and glue!

Then, last night, Lydia had a friend sleep over. They played games, painted their nails, walked to the gas station to get snacks and slurpies, listened to music, watched a movie, and stayed up late. I was mostly in the background, but it was fun to hear them giggling so much.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Out For A Stroll

Yesterday, I went out for a lunchtime walk at work. I started off on a familiar route and planned to loop around and head back. I enjoyed looking at bright flowers, cute squirrels and birds, and tall trees. I called Lydia to check in, played a game on my phone, and made sure not to trip on the uneven concrete.

I kept an eye on my watch so I didn’t lose track of time. It was a beautiful day, and I felt blessed to be outside. I wasn’t rushed because the patient scheduled after lunch came before, and I was able to see him early.

As I approached my halfway mark, however, I realized I had gone a little too far! Somehow, I had made it all the way to a golf course. Yes, I was a block or two off course!

Free Cosmea Flower photo and picture

I suppose I didn’t recognize my usual turn because I came upon it from a different direction. I’ve driven by the golf course several times, so I wasn’t lost, but I added about five minutes to my walk – more than I bargained for!

Thus, what started off as a gentle stroll quickly became a pinch-hitting jog! I held onto my work badge so it didn’t flop around and high-tailed it to my office. Don’t worry—I was safe and having fun!

At one point or another, I would encounter someone walking toward me on the sidewalk. In those cases, I slowed to a walk and said hello so I didn’t alarm them. Then, I resumed jogging again.

Overall, I wasn’t too worried, but I didn’t want to be gone longer than expected. While I wouldn’t be “in trouble,” I didn’t want anyone to think I was late or question my intent. Thankfully, I arrived right on time!

Free Golf Golf Course photo and picture

When I returned, I was hot and sweaty, but I felt happy and energized. I had been a little achy before my lunch break, but apparently, the jog was just what I needed! My coworkers and I had a good laugh.

In hindsight, I should have taken the turn before the golf course, but I have wanted to check out the road along yesterday’s route anyway! 😉 Next time, I will plan ahead and walk a little faster to begin with! Anyway, I’m grateful God worked it out, and I will check my Maps app a little more often!

I suppose another takeaway is this: As we walk with God, we need to pay attention to His pace. That may mean resting and noticing the grace, beauty, and joy around us. But, sometimes, we need to pick up the pace and get on to the next thing. Either way, we can trust Him to get us where we need to be!


God, thanks for keeping me safe and helping me as You direct my path. Help me pay attention and follow Your lead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How quickly do you notice when you get off track? Are you quick to correct yourself, or does God have to do something drastic?

Tasks: Consider mapping out your next walk before you head out… 😉 Check-in with the Lord, and maybe go with a buddy!

Finding Grace #437

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Flora Leaf photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week!

Work has been perfect lately. I’ve had plenty to do with adequate time to do it! That’s a great feeling. I am enjoying what I do and also have the mental space to be creative and work on projects without rushing.

On Wednesday, I ran some errands after work because Lydia opted to stay home from youth group. It was sweet because although she wasn’t feeling great, she encouraged me to go to a store with summer hours. I had been twice already, and it was thoughtful of her to let me know I didn’t have to rush home before church.

Last night, Lydia hung out with a friend for the evening. I stayed home and did a little cooking. I also watched a couple of shows on Netflix. One was about Simone Biles, and the other was about Reading Rainbow, the show with LeVar Burton. Both were inspiring, and I would recommend them!

Today, I woke up early, so I walked through the neighborhood to get in some steps and enjoy the quiet morning. Then, I met a friend for coffee before having lunch with Lydia. We might hang out with some other friends tonight.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Signs and Signals

I love to shop online, as it is often faster and easier. The items come right to my door! However, I also want to promote local businesses when I can. It is fun to see products in person and pick out the best option. Then, I can decide in the moment if it’s right for me.

Recently, I went to a few stores looking for specific things. I have to admit, I was a little annoyed when I showed up and saw they had summer hours. I have no problem with changing their hours if it is less busy during this season. The issue was that I didn’t know until I showed up! Often, the stores are out of my way, and so it felt like I wasted my time.

I parked, got out of my car, and then walked up to the entrances four separate times (one store twice on different days). That’s when I saw the sign that the stores were closed. I was irked because I looked up their hours online, but they were incorrect.

One of the stores posted that its hours had changed due to a family illness. I understand that, but I hope they can update their website soon and/or find someone to help cover while they heal. Another store has such random hours that it will take me a week to get back there since I work during the day. I took a picture of their sign and could possibly order from them online. But, the shipping costs are more than I want to pay when I could just pick it up.

Free Phone Confused photo and picture

Unfortunately, the signs on the doors did not reflect what I expected when I looked online. This happened all last week, so I started to notice the pattern. It was rather frustrating, though not the worst thing in the world.

I also thought of the signs and signals we portray to others. If we ignore people, they may not want to confide in us. If we grumble and complain, we may not portray our gratitude or the hope we have in Jesus. If we swear and yell at people, we may not reflect the grace God has given us.

Then again, people often make assumptions about each other anyway. We tend to judge and misjudge clothing, cars, lawns, and more! Someone who smiles often could be seen as joyful or like they have no problems! Someone who is quiet could come across as rude, socially awkward, or just shy. That’s why it’s good to try to understand and learn more about one another.

Clearly, we cannot live our lives to please every person we meet. That’s impossible and unnecessary. But, we can consider culture, circumstances, upbringing, personality, and other factors.

Overall, we need to do the best we can to please Jesus. However, it might be worth considering what signs and signals we are giving off. Perceptions are a two-way street! A negative vibe could turn away the very people God wants us to reach. While we can’t be true friends with everyone, we can be friendly and cheerful to anyone we see.

While it is not our job to save everyone, it is wise to connect with as many people as possible so they can meet Jesus, who does the saving! Ultimately, we can listen to the Holy Spirit’s signals and not worry about the rest!


God, thanks for creating each of us uniquely. Help us grow in knowledge and understanding of those around us. Give us grace for one another. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever been misjudged? Was it all on the other person, or was there something in your control, too? Is there any situation you misread and need to reconsider? Is there someone to whom you could extend grace?

Tasks: Pray about your next steps this week. Consider how you can be more open with others and show them God’s grace, too! Forgive those who have misinterpreted your signals, as well!

Finding Grace #436

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Flower Plant photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a really peaceful week!

Lydia was at church camp Monday through Friday, so my evenings were relatively free and quiet. I did most of my usual things, such as mowing, writing, and running errands. I got my haircut and walked with a lady from church.

This week, I gathered mail, mowed, and watered plants for our neighbor. I covered for Lydia while she was gone and noticed lots of bunnies! The neighbor’s hollyhocks remind me of my grandpa who used to grow them. It was a good way to spend time outside!

On Friday, I didn’t have any patients scheduled, so I asked to take the day off. I rarely do that, so it was a gift to myself. I slept in and did some chores at a nice, slow pace. Later, I did a little painting and reading before picking up Lydia.

Today, we are spending time with my mother-in-law, who came to visit for the weekend. We went out to eat, shopped a bit, and also attended “exotic animal races” at the horse park. We’ve never been, but we wanted to see camels, ostriches, and zebras racing. It was hilarious, and we even won ten dollars on a horse race after someone gave us their tickets because they decided to leave early due to the ~90+ degree heat. Overall, we had a lot of fun!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Book Review: Truth Changes Everything

I listened to an intriguing audiobook recently on my way back and forth to work. I liked it so much I may purchase a paper copy! It is called Truth Changes Everything by Dr. Jeff Myers.

The book covered apologetics and theology of the Christian faith, along with mini-biographies of people who changed the world because of their faith in Jesus. Dr. Myers discusses areas like human dignity, medicine, education, sciences, arts, politics, and more. He also discussed the difference between absolute Truth (that is, Jesus and all He represents) and “truths” (such as my story or your story).

God wants us to know the Truth and went to great effort to ensure that happened, even to the point of Jesus’ death on the Cross. All of our personal stories, thoughts, and feelings matter but are far less important than the overall greater “capital—T Truth.” We can measure our scope only as far as we can understand, but God sees everything.

I was fascinated to hear how Christians changed astronomy, medicine, biology, chemistry, and physics. Essentially, they took huge leaps of faith to explore and learn all they could about the Universe God created. They sought Truth, and the knowledge they discovered in each field took us to new heights. As Dr. Myers explained, science and faith go very well together. Science helps us know how things work, and faith in Jesus shows us the meaning of it all (why).

Together, seeking Truth through the lenses of faith and science pushed the bounds. I also loved hearing about the contributions women made right alongside men. Though not all of them received credit in their lifetimes, some of them did!

Interestingly, most modern hospitals and educational institutions around the world have their roots in Christianity. During the Black Death, most people ran away from illness, but Jesus’ followers were moved by compassion. They did not let personal risk stop them; in fact, the promise of eternity quelled fear and compelled them to serve. They created places to care for those in need and studied what worked well and what didn’t. Their missions work set the foundation for the future.

I also learned about how the creative pursuit of Truth changed the Arts, such as music and painting. I cracked up hearing how the famous composer Vivaldi started off studying to be a monk, but he was always off writing music instead of doing his chores. Eventually, he left that area of ministry and served orphans, many of which had been disfigured and abandoned due to diseases. He saw their inherent value and beauty and created musical works for them to perform. This was a shock to society at the time, but it helped them earn income and overcome their feelings of defeat. Wow!

I could go on and on, but maybe you should just read the book! 😉 I hope it will give you confidence in your personal faith and inspire you to step out and make a difference. Each of us has a calling to fulfill, and God has already empowered us. It is our part to learn and grow!


God, there is no one like You! Thanks for being our Rock, the Absolute Truth we can depend on! Thank You for the Victory we have in Jesus. Help us honor You every day as we walk out our faith in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What books have you been reading lately? Are you able to explain the basic tenets of your faith in Jesus? Do you know what you believe and why? (1 Peter 3:15)

Task: Get this book and read it! Buy it online or check it out at the library!

Finding Grace #435

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Flower Dahlia photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was pretty calm, but that is a good thing! Practically each day had a “chance” of rain. Even if it was only for a few minutes. So, it was warm, but cool at times, with both the sun and beautiful clouds.

Work had a good ebb and flow. It was busy, but I had some downtime to get caught up. It was really nice to have less stress! Plus, I was able to take a walk most days. Perhaps that’s my ideal work week!

On Thursday, Lydia and I had a quiet Independence Day. We pretty much relaxed. I enjoyed coffee on my deck and did some reading, cooking, and exercising. Lydia joined me a bit and also packed for camp next week. We were grateful to have the freedom to do all that in peace.

Today, we did a few chores, and tonight, Lydia and I are going to a friend’s house for dinner. They are hosting us and a couple of other families from church. I’m bringing a tossed salad with blueberries, mandarin oranges, honey-roasted sliced almonds, and a homemade vinaigrette. So, I am looking forward to good food and fellowship!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Chasing After the Wind

For the past month or so, I have been diligent in taking a walk during my lunch at work. In fact, I have been walking most of the time and eating at my desk later.

It has taken me months to follow through on my original intention, but I am proud of myself! I finally decided that being active with a thirty-minute walk was a better mental break. Stepping away from my desk helps me reset and feel prepared for the rest of the day. I will eat something either way, but the walk has been easier to let slide. But, if I prioritize the walk, the rest will fall into place.

Currently, I am able to go outside most days and take various paths around the local neighborhoods. I take my phone, don’t stray too far, and make sure there are others around for safety. Sometimes, I go with a coworker. On rainy days or in winter, I can head downstairs to the little gym at work.

Historically, I have tried to exercise at home in the evening, but if something pops up unexpectedly, I may not get around to it. So, at least now I can feel good that I have already taken a walk. I don’t worry about it too much either way.

Free Lake Windy photo and picture

On Monday, I was taking my walk, and it was extremely windy and loud. I texted Lydia to check in instead of calling her because I didn’t think she’d be able to hear me clearly. Thankfully, she was able to grab our garbage can before it blew away like our neighbors’ did!

After that, I thought about the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19; the wind he faced must’ve been fierce! Then, there was an earthquake and, later, a fire. But the Lord was not found in those powerful forces. Eventually, He came in a whisper or a still, small voice.

Anyway, I decided to just focus on what God might be saying. I didn’t sense anything specific, but it was a fun experience filled with expectation in His presence. Because I was not too distracted, I noticed the trees blowing, a peaceful park, and some little kids who waved hello.

By Monday night, the thunderstorm had arrived. It rained for quite a while, and the next day, I noticed several sticks and larger branches lying around. On Tuesday, I really had to pay attention to avoid the branches, mud, puddles, and uneven pavement!

While I walked, another famous passage came to my mind from Ecclesiastes 1:14. This is when King Solomon perceived the futility of life without God is like chasing after the wind. Yes, so many people try to figure out life on their own. We are bombarded by “bright and shiny” things all the time, but really, there is nothing new under the sun.

I wonder how many times we are looking for the next exciting thing but overlook what God is doing right around us. Are we looking for what we think is best, or are we pursuing God’s best in Jesus? Are we chasing the fleeting wind or chasing Almighty God? Afterall, he is Master over the wind.

Let’s slow down and pay attention as we walk with God. Then, we will be able to understand His plan for us, know we are on the right track, and change course quickly, if needed. He can “blow” us where we need to go or protect us along the way!


Heavenly Father, thanks for pursuing us with all Your love, mercy, and grace! You alone are worthy – may we chase after You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How have you connected with God this week? Do you have any nice walking paths where you live?

Tasks: If you find yourself chasing your tail or chasing after the wind, take a little walk or sit and listen for the Lord. He can be found amid noise and chaos, but chances are He will be waiting in the silence for you. Write down what you perceive He is telling you and verify it in Scripture.