Big Star or Bust

It amazes me how the Nativity story is something we have heard and read about year after year, but it always has something new for us!

Whether you think about it from the perspective of the Shepherds, Mary, Joseph, the Angels, Wisemen, or even the animals (surely they were surprised, too!), there are so many angles! In other parts of the Gospel of Luke, I’m sure Anna, Simeon, and Elizabeth had some important insights, too.

All of the people in the Nativity story had their lives interrupted by a little baby. And, not just any baby; Jesus was/is God!

It’s likely they were each struggling in one way or another. The Roman occupation would not have been easy. Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds were not made of money. Even the Wisemen would have been worn out from a lengthy journey. Nonetheless, they all regrouped and went with it, apparently!

Lydia made a funny comment about the Wisemen recently, who would have traveled several months or possibly years. She said, “What if they had a sign on their caravan that said ‘Big Star or Bust?!'” We both laughed, but it made me think a bit more.

Free sirius star big dog illustration

Do I go all in as I seek Jesus? Well, I usually try to, but my cracked car windshield is getting replaced today. With the colder weather, I didn’t want to take any chances.

It was rather inconvenient, and I was at a loss for what to do. Then, two friends were willing to help me swap my car with a rental after work (yesterday and today). God knows what I need and how to solve it!

Oddly enough, the car I ended up with last night was not the one I rented; it was one that was available! I could choose between a big truck, a little truck, a minivan, and a Chevy Spark. I was thinking of just getting back and forth to work and didn’t want to have to figure out the size and spacing on the fly. So, I chose the compact Chevy and laughed all the way home.

See the picture – it looks like the back half of the car is missing! At least I saved a little money with the smaller car! 😉

Sometimes, “Big Star or Bust” has to be a group effort. We are not meant to live in isolation. Even Jesus had a family and friends, as he ran a public ministry. He had to rely on others to some degree. Although He was often on the go, He always had time for what mattered.

This season can be tough in many ways. Hustling and bustling often lead to stress, while high expectations can lead to disappointment when things don’t go as planned. If you are dealing with grief or loss, well, that can take sorrow to a whole new level.

I know full well the grief cycle mixed with holidays. Feel free to look back on just about any post from each December I have blogged (starting in 2015). Each year has gotten a little better, thankfully! And, I am grateful for all the continued prayers and support.

Perhaps your “Big Star or Bust” journey is different than mine. Your strengths and challenges are unique, but so are your resources. God’s grace is sufficient whether you have a lot or a little. Just keep bringing Him your best, and be willing to accept a little help along the way!

Keep moving forward, and you will find the Prize you seek (Jesus!) if you don’t give up. #bigstarorbust


God, thanks for the gift of laughter amid a potentially difficult season. Thanks for taking good care of us. Help us chase after you with all our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have a “Big Star or Bust” experience?! How are you pursuing Jesus this week? What does that look like for you?

Task: Whatever challenges you face today, turn your face to Jesus. Seek Him with all you’ve got. He completely understands and will never let you down!