Out Of Darkness

Earlier in the week, I listened to an amazing interview that I keep reviewing in my mind. The person interviewed was Kat Von D, of Miami Ink and LA Ink fame. Back then, she was a mouthy drug addict and alcoholic. She reports she was miserable and hopeless, living in darkness. Yet, she still showed compassion toward her tattoo clients when they shared their purposes for getting inked (usually memorials related to grief and loss).

Recently, she received publicity for being baptized… in a small Baptist Church in Indiana. I saw the video and was glad for her. I viewed it as a testament to God’s grace and mercy. Sadly, many people questioned her authenticity – though she has been followed by cameras for over twenty years. She wanted to record it for herself and as a public statement of her new life in Jesus.

To me, Kat Von D came across as well-thought-out and sincere. Coming to Christ was not on a whim or only based on emotion. She looked at all the evidence of Christianity and made her decision. She even explained why she chose to attend a Baptist church. Basically, they accepted her immediately. Her pastor is a great teacher, and she is growing so much in her Tuesday Bible study with the older ladies. (I LOVE THAT.) The old hymns are simple yet profound, unlike going to what feels like a Sunday worship ‘concert’ where she is distracted as a songwriter. That makes sense to me!

Free Tattoo Hand photo and picture

It is to be expected that some of her old crowd would be upset, but even more awful has been the comments she has received from Christians telling her she’s not doing it right (of all people!). Let this be a lesson to all of us… it is damaging to turn people off before they ever meet Jesus!

Ms. Von D talked about how she was raised in a Christian missionary home but rebelled when her parents didn’t answer her doubts adequately. By age 14, she was on the streets and making poor choices. Still, she did not blame her parents and later said she was grateful to have that background because she remembered the Bible stories she learned as a child when she was at her lowest point in life. Praise God!

Eventually, she started to question if her life choices were on the path she wanted to be. She got sober and clean, and tossed her books about the occult. She sought Truth and found Jesus during the COVID-19 pandemic. She wanted to set a good example for her child, but she also wanted peace and found hope and new life in Jesus.

Later, Kat Von D shared how Jesus makes her a much better wife and mother. She said people would not believe how much she has changed, but it has been dramatic. She also explained how famous friends like Alice Cooper have helped her understand how to balance her personal faith and public persona. (Can you even imagine?!)

Each person who becomes a Christian undergoes a sanctification process, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Kat Von D is now a beloved sister in Christ, and it will be interesting to see how she changes over time. I may not agree with everything she does, but I would love to meet her for coffee! Either way, she has a big platform, and balancing everything in the public eye cannot be easy. She needs our prayers, not our criticism.

No one is perfect or gets it right all the time. We all struggle, but God created each of us to be unique according to His purposes. Who am I to say Kat Von D has to look like me or listen to the same music as me? I doubt she will change her mostly black goth look anytime soon. And, if God ever prompts her to change, that will be between Him and her. We are each accountable to Him first and foremost. (But, for now, I think she is beautiful!)

I was tearing up at various points in the interview. It was refreshing to get a snapshot of many topics, each one pertinent and practical for today. The interview was about Kat Von D being transferred out of darkness, but she and the host kept their focus on Jesus.

I’m grateful to serve a good and gracious God. No one is beyond His mercy and love. Thank You, Lord!

The kindness of God leads us to repentance (see Romans 2:4). Today, do not harden your heart towards Jesus, but come to Him with all your questions. He is so patient with you (2 Peter 3:9), but He will not wait forever. All Truth is His, and He will never lead you into confusion. Instead, He has the power and desire to set you free indeed!


God, You are so wonderful! I’m in awe of how much You love us and how much You pursue us. Thanks for not giving up on me. Please guide us and make us more like Jesus. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What do you think about Kat Von D’s faith journey? Do you have any tattoos or plan to get any? What does/would it look like? (I don’t have any!)

Tasks: Listen to the interview here. I also posted it on my Grace and Lemonade Facebook site earlier this week!