Movie Review: Sound of Freedom

Last night, I watched the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie with a good friend. We were unsure of what we were getting into since the topic is child trafficking. I wasn’t sure if it was all hype, but it is based on a true story, and I felt it necessary to bear witness. It is important to learn more and call out the darkness. It is listed as PG-13, but I’d say it’s more appropriate for 16+ given the heavy, gripping material.
Honestly, this is probably one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. While some may argue, it is not a political movie nor a religious movie. It’s not about coercion or emotions. It is about saving children and raising awareness. ‘Sound of Freedom’ is about heroism in the face of evil. It’s an incredible story of courage and hope! My heart was pounding from the get-go, but it showcased many brave people stepping up and risking their lives to do what was right.
I learned that more people are enslaved today than at any other time in history (even in the ~300 years when it was ‘legal’); over two million are children. Snatched from their families, often under false pretenses. In terms of money, it has surpassed illegal drugs. Horrifying.
Free Boy Alone photo and picture
This movie is just one small part, but it was outstanding. In terms of acting and storytelling, it was all done very well! As I reflect on it, I understand that the reality is far worse. It shows just enough to make the point. Given the topic, some parts are a little emotional, but it was very much worth seeing. Apparently, it was #1 during it’s opening weekend, even beating Indiana Jones! Wow!
My reaction? This movie makes me want to do two things at once. I could easily hide away in my safety zone, protecting all my loved ones! But I am also compelled to go out and use my voice to make a difference. While God is not calling me to go directly into dangerous territory, I can pray for those in the daily struggle. I can press for better laws and better processes. I encourage you to see the movie and vote with your entertainment dollars.
Similar to how The Chosen tv show was originally funded, you can pay it forward by buying a ticket for someone. (Or, if needed, you can benefit by getting free tickets.)
There is work to be done. Read the statistics. Learn the signs. Donate to an organization. Volunteer. Speak up. Let’s send the message that “God’s children are not for sale!”
God, thank You for being our Rescuer. Thanks for opening our eyes to the evils around us. Help us move forward in faith, wisdom, and boldness. May we be sensitive to the needs right in front of us. Fill us with compassion and courage. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Questions: How can you be a difference-maker today? Where can you stand in the gap for someone?
Task: Check out the Sound of Freedom movie in theaters now! Also, don’t be overwhelmed with what to do… just do the very next right thing and trust God to lead you.