Depleted and Dependent

Today, I am thinking about how God always comes through for me. I have been feeling a little stressed this week. We have a full schedule this week, and I have a lot of random things to remember for each activity or event. Also, I haven’t had much downtime to rest and recover from the “excitement.”

So yesterday, I had a slight headache and was a little grumpy. Not outwardly, but just inwardly, I was in a slump. Everything just seemed more difficult! I wanted to rest but had several responsibilities. These included work, an appointment for Lydia, errands, and snowblowing. They went well, but I was struggling!

I wasn’t sick, and I wasn’t sleepy (though I could have used a nap!). I think the best word to describe how I felt was ‘depleted’ or running on empty. I ate regular meals, but I didn’t have much appetite. I was cold all afternoon and had oatmeal with a half a banana, a little peanut butter, and cinnamon for dinner to warm me up! Mmmm…

Needless to say, I acknowledged my dependence on the Lord and asked Him to fill me up. I needed His grace and mercy to exhibit patience with my patients and to be emotionally available for Lydia. I had a few things to do around the house, too.

Ironically, snowblowing was the thing that got me out of my funk! I hadn’t planned on clearing snow but decided not to push myself physically (shoveling) when I was already weak and weary. It was a kindness to myself, and I had the time since I left work early to take Lydia to an appointment, which also ended early. Snowblowing reminded me that I am capable and God is a good provider. He gave me His strength!

I relaxed after that. I intentionally kept this blog post shorter and watched a fun show with Lydia. Afterward, I did some gentle stretching instead of a more intense workout. Then, I read Isaiah 40:28-31 and went to bed early!

Well, I’m glad these weird days don’t happen often. But, I can still be grateful for them because they show me my need for Jesus. When we’re feeling depleted, we can depend on our mighty, dependable God!

God, thanks for always being there for me. You are kind, gracious, and dependable! Give me your strength when I am weary. Help me trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What do you do when you feel depleted? Do you turn to the Lord, or do you try to replete yourself solo?

Tasks: Read Isaiah 40:28-31. Bring all your concerns to the Lord, and let Him fill you up!