A Few Loose Screws

Lately, I have done a lot of hands-on work around the house. I have moved benches and deck furniture, and I put up the Christmas lights as I prepare for winter. I have taken a few trips to the recycling station, too.

In addition, I have taken apart several things to sell. These include a table and four chairs, two ottomans, and a weight bench. I was making room for other priorities. Most of the items were fairly easy, but it was challenging to tear the table apart. It hadn’t been moved in twelve years, so the screws were in tight.

And, I have put together some things, too. These include a dolly and two pieces of exercise equipment (upgrades for my personal gym!). The dolly was actually the toughest thing of all because the metal just would not cooperate and the directions were a little confusing! I did manage to get a couple of bruises, but nothing to worry about.

All in all, I followed all the directions, and thankfully, I haven’t had many parts left over!

Free photos of Stainless steel screw

As I was piecing together one item, the directions mentioned how if certain screws weren’t in just right, it could cause an accident, or even death. They were tiny screws!

I made sure to double-check all the nuts, bolts, and screws. Just to be sure. I wouldn’t want to put my weight on something and have it fall apart.

In fact, I was incredulous that my safety could depend on the smallest component. A few loose screws could be quite a problem!

Then, I got to thinking… God holds all things together through Jesus and the power of His Word; no screws needed! Not just my life or yours, but the entire world. He is more than capable!

Whether it is a lot of steps or just a few, God always knows just what needs to be done. He wrote the directions, or guide, to Life! We can trust Him to hold the full weight of whatever we are going through. He will protect us but also catch us if we happen to fall. He’s got us covered!

Ultimately, God loves us even when we have ‘a few screws loose.’ 😉 We fall short, but He accepts us as we are. He can take all of our mess and make something strong, beautiful, and purposeful!


God, thanks for covering us with Your wisdom, strength, grace, and love. You never let us down! Help us trust You every step of the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy hands-on tasks, like putting together items around the house or refinishing furniture? What are your favorite tools?

Task: Next time you buy something with a lot of pieces to assemble, reflect on how God organizes the pieces of your life, too. You are a perfectly designed masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)!