This week, I had a simple medical test/procedure. It was fairly straightforward and, as such, almost not worth mentioning. But, I wanted to share a little of my experience in case it benefits someone else…
In short, I have had mild gut issues over many years. I had similar issues as a kid, in college, and before/after Dave died from colon cancer. I don’t know if my symptoms are related to internalizing stress or my Hashimoto’s thyroid disease, an autoimmune disease I have had for twenty-five years.
Indeed, I mentioned my concerns to my doctor after Dave’s funeral, but then talked myself out of further testing when she offered it. I was really emotional at the time and didn’t want deal with it. I don’t recommend that avoidant approach, however!
Earlier this year, I got my back in better shape and realized my gut could also use some help. I had gotten so used to the discomfort that I just assumed it was normal.
To clarify, my symptoms are somewhat normal… no overt signs of disease. But, some people are just more sensitive than others, and I tend to have gut discomfort when others don’t (even when we eat the same foods). The gut is known as the ‘second brain,’ so when it is not functioning correctly, it can impact quite a lot of other things!
Well, this year, I again spoke up at my annual physical in May. This time, I requested a referral to gastroenterology. I appreciated that both of the providers listened to my concerns, though I was still a little nervous.
In June, we decided to do some more testing, which occurred this week. The prep was less than glamorous, but the results were “pretty darn good” to quote the doctor running the test!
Leading up to the test, I kept my focus on Jesus and took on His peace, which is freely given. He is the Source of my life and strength, so it is always wise to trust Him.
On the day of the test, everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. They were so kind and knowledgeable that it put my mind at ease. I was able to relax and go with the flow. It was a much different feeling than when I waited for Dave’s test results all those years ago.
When the doctor introduced herself, she agreed it was good to get tested since autoimmune diseases can often run together. I briefly mentioned my concerns, especially since Dave had zero symptoms at his colon cancer diagnosis. (Mine was a test to rule out a wide variety of potential illnesses!) She was so compassionate, and I was glad I chose her to do the test!
I still have those mild symptoms – and a follow-up for potential next steps – but ALL my results came back clear! I don’t have celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, an ulcer, micro-colitis, diverticulosis, H Pylori, cancer, or anything else. Whew, I am so relieved!! It is still possible to get a generic diagnosis (like IBS or a food intolerance), but I can’t self-diagnose those things. Thankfully, we ruled out all the major red flags!
My hunch has been that it just will come down to paying more attention to my food choices and how they affect me. I already do this to some degree; as a Registered Dietitian, it’s right up my alley. Fiber and water are key! But, even though I eat well and enjoy most foods, my gut may think differently.
Other good strategies will include ongoing stress management to lower chronic inflammation; continuing my exercise routine, so my gut runs well; and getting adequate sleep to restore my system each night. This is easier said than done, but I am committed to doing the work it takes to feel good consistently.
Professionally, I always tell my patients: “You are your best advocate, and you know your body best.” Today, I am thankful I was brave, despite my earlier fear. I am glad I advocated for myself, and I am grateful for the good results. We only get one body, and we have the privilege of caring for it, as a Temple.
All in all, I wanted to praise God and to share a little— but not too much– with you about my health journey (a.k.a. my Forty-Year Tune-Up)! Also, I want to give a shout-out to the three women doctors and their staff who have helped me.
Thank you for reading and celebrating with me!
God, You are so gracious and merciful!! Thanks for protecting me and giving me peace of mind. May I continue to make healthy choices that honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What part of this post resonated with you? Do you need to advocate for yourself or someone else?
Tasks: Listen to “The Healing“ by Blanca and Dante Bowe. Sing out your praises to God! He is Jehovah-Rapha, the God Who Heals.