Comfort Zones

I read a quote this week by Pastor Levi Lusko, and it said, “Comfort zones don’t keep your life safe, they keep your life small.” Wow. As someone, who often prays for God’s protection and safety, this spoke to me!

As Lydia starts her last year of elementary school this week, I am thankful for the (relative) status quo of this year. It is bound to be a transitional time, but still, more of the same. Some of her friends were redistricted to a different school, but Lydia got to stay where she’s been. I am glad for her, but also helping her understand how others may feel.

I can foresee some changes on the not-so-distant horizon (also known as middle school next year). But, we will address those needs when they come. For now, I am going to enjoy each moment that Lydia (still) hugs me in front of her friends. Each moment she laughs at my jokes or tells me all the things I am doing well and that she’s proud of me.

Those are all good things, and far be it from me to rush into the next season. At the same time, I don’t want to run away from challenges. Not all problems are bad, if they push us to be our best!

Recently, Lydia and I have been discussing growth. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Growth means many things, but I think about beating stagnancy with learning, serving, and giving. If nothing changes, nothing changes!

Growth is possible when we lean on God and trust Him to bring us through. If we fight the growing process or drag our feet, we just prolong the test. As Joyce Meyer once mentioned the Holy Spirit lets us repeat the test as many times as it takes to get it right! Of course, the sooner we “get it,” the faster we can get on to new things!

If we are wise, we will use both comfort zones and challenges to draw close to Jesus.

Even with things staying mostly the same this school year, we still have plenty of opportunities for growth. Each day has its own challenges and troubles, and some days we are just glad to stay afloat. I am really grateful Jesus is with us!

You know, praying for safety is good, but perhaps it is better to pray for God’s will be done in each season and situation. There is always something to learn. We can’t expect life to be easy, but we can ask and expect God to show up and fight on our behalf.

Again, if you are in a comfort zone, that may be just fine. But if you’ve been there for a while, God might just be calling you to grow. Don’t be afraid; He is with you. Lean into His grace and let Him lead you to greater things!


God, You are so good! Thanks for leading us with love and kindness. Don’t let us stay stagnant, but help us lean into Your grace during each challenge. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in your comfort zone? Are you needing to trust God through a challenge?

Tasks: Start each day with Jesus! Be grateful for when the days are calm and even-keeled, and be grateful when life rocks your boat and challenges arise! Be willing to grow and be stretched!!