Forty-Year Tune-Up!!

Woohoo! In a couple of days, I am celebrating my fortieth birthday! That sounds a little crazy because I still feel like I am twenty-five!

My thirties started off with Dave being sick and then dying, so the majority of that decade was dedicated to processing my grief and making sense of my new life as a widowed, single mom.

I learned how resilient I am and what it means to cling to Jesus. I quickly realized there are no shortcuts when it comes to emotional healing. You have to put in the effort, be willing to accept help, and let God carry you sometimes. The only way through is through.

One big part of processing my grief was writing about my journey here. So thanks for reading, praying, and cheering me on! I appreciate you all.

I also spent a significant amount of my thirties writing and editing my book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward. It was a labor of love, and I am proud that I finally pulled it off! I am beyond pleased with how my book turned out, and I really appreciate the continued support and feedback. Thank you!!

In short, my thirties were rough at times, but I learned to roll with the punches. God was reliable and gracious. He lead me to higher ground and has let me help others through their grief. I can’t thank Him enough!

Free illustrations of Watercolour flowers

Over the last year, I have been learning how to take better care of myself. This is an ongoing thing, which includes continuing to chase seven or eight hours of sleep, exercise consistently, and eating well. That’s all great currently, but in a couple of weeks things will shift again as we acclimate to the new school schedule. That’s life, right?!

This year, I went to the doctor for my toe (of all things, lol!). Later, I went for my routine physical and a couple of new tests. I found a chiropractor I love and now have a lot less pain, too! It’s like I have had a forty-year tune-up! 🙂

Really, I look at it as setting myself up for success. Not everything can be prevented, but I want to do what I can. That said, you can do ‘everything right,’ and something wild comes from out of left field. But, we can learn to trust God no matter what.

While I have been working hard, I have also been learning to rest more in God’s grace. Thankfully, He is patient with me! I am excited to see where He leads and how He continues to provide for me. He has never let me down!

Lately, I find myself smiling and laughing a lot. I have found joy in clarifying my priorities. It’s a balance of finding ways to care for myself and others, including Lydia. This also includes letting go of what doesn’t serve me anymore and not taking myself so seriously!

Over these last few weeks, I have enjoyed looking back and seeing God’s faithfulness. I am grateful for the Victories He has given me over these forty years, and especially the last ten years. He is so good!


God, thanks for an amazing forty years! This is just a flash of time to You, but You are so kind to let me walk with You. Thanks for taking care of all that concerns me. Help me walk with more grace and joy in this new decade! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has God been good to you so far this year? What Victories do you see?

Tasks: Take a few minutes to reflect on how far God has brought you in the last few months or years. Write it down so you can remember it! (It’s easy to forget otherwise!)