A couple of weeks ago, someone sent me a link to a short message about Mary, the mother of Jesus. It was by an evangelist named Brent Carr.
Interestingly, the little blurb mentioned Mary was “highly favored” and then described all the difficulties she faced. She was nearly divorced, rejected by her community, gave birth in a stable, and so on. The author’s point was that favor may imply blessing, but it doesn’t imply an easy road.
Mr. Carr wrote, “Favor never looks like favor at first. Favor sometimes takes you through frustration, failure, and fear.” I can certainly relate to all three of those!
In the Bible, the word for favor is linked with grace (see the word: chairs). I prefer using the word grace, but favor reminds me of the word ‘favorite.’ I imagine God smiling down at me, not necessarily to give me everything I want, but to make sure I have everything I need.
Like buying a new snowblower… but still having to use it!
God’s grace, or favor, isn’t always obvious. It’s sometimes intangible, like knowing God is with us or trusting Him to protect us or provide for us. Usually, it involves a situation that makes us test, or prove, those truths. Yes, our struggles can show us God’s love and grace.
Lately, resting in God’s grace has meant taking off work a few days to let Lydia recover from an illness. Favor means not worrying about my workload when I get back… I am glad for a good team to cover for me, though I usually like to be the one offering to help!
Grace has meant keeping the house calm and peaceful for Lydia, but also knowing there are benefits for me, too. My to-do list is neverending, so it has been good for me not to push too hard in the last week. Instead, I was able to rest, too. We watched some television, but we also read and napped.
On Monday, Lydia still wasn’t 100%, so I took another day off from work (in addition to Wednesday/Thursday last week). Her doctor was closed because of blizzardy weather, so I took it as a sign to stay home, safe and warm. Indeed, her daycare (the Y) opened late and closed early, so I would’ve missed most of work anyway!
It’s good to know when to rest, but it’s also good to know when to push ourselves forward. If God makes the opportunity clear, we can trust He will provide. Even if we don’t have all the answers or know all the details.
So, yesterday, Lydia felt marginally better, still coughing and a little lethargic but fever-free! I knew that we needed to try and make it to work and daycare. We got all ready and were in the car, only to find out my car battery had died!
I sent Lydia inside to rest and stay warm, while I texted a couple of friends for input. One of them asked if I had a charger. I hadn’t thought about it, but God brought to mind something I had walked by dozens of times. Sure enough, I DID have a car battery charger! By God’s grace, Dave had bought one years ago, and I was able to figure out how to use it.
Of course, I rolled into work late, but even then, there was grace and favor. After dropping off Lydia, I stopped to buy a new car battery since mine was 8+ years old. (The average lifespan of a car battery is two to five years, so that’s another level of grace!) The third store had what I needed, and a sales associate kindly agreed to help me install it. Never mind the temperature was several degrees below zero!
Reflecting on all of this, I am grateful we didn’t have to cancel many plans while Lydia was sick. It was a holiday break but we celebrated in Illinois earlier in the month. I am also thankful I didn’t go out on Monday and have my car die then. God knew it would not be good for us to be stuck on the road with a dead battery, all while Lydia wasn’t feeling well! Plus, I was able to use some Christmas money I received to pay for the battery! Bonus!
John 1:16 says God gives us grace upon grace. Instead of focusing on our problems, let’s focus on Jesus and trust Him to be all we need. Come to Him with a heart full of gratitude!
Father God, thank You for your grace. You take such good care of us.
Questions: Where do you see God’s grace and favor in your life this week? Have you stopped to thank Him or tell someone how gracious He is?
Tasks: Whatever you are doing, pause and praise God! In good times and bad, thank Him for the goodness and grace He brings to your life!