Everybody In!

I was listening to the radio on my way to pick up Lydia from work yesterday. They were doing a fundraiser and someone offered to match the amount if others called in during the next song.

Astonishingly, NO ONE called in during the song. I don’t know if the person extended the offer or not, but I was thinking… what happens when no one responds in other areas?

The radio personalities explained that if we all think someone else will step up, then there’s a chance no one will. They gave several examples, such as when someone is stuck on the side of the road, or when there’s an emergency in a crowded area, or even how we all walk by the same mess without cleaning it up.

Somebody else will take care of it, right?

Interestingly, this situation is really common. It even has a name… the bystander effect.

It’s not necessarily because we are uncaring, but perhaps we don’t think we have time or don’t think we can adequately fix the problem. So, we just keep driving and/or ignore it.

Flatfoot, Senselessly Mature, Flat Tire, Breakdown

I don’t know ALL the ways to get around it, but I can relate. I am sure you have been there, too. One thing I have learned: Usually, doing something is better than doing nothing.

The radio personalities mentioned how, during a different song, someone gave $500 and someone else gave $5. But, it all counts. We all have something to give.

We can achieve more when we work together, each of us taking part in the solution. Teamwork makes the dream work! When everybody’s in, everybody wins!

I’m not saying you need to donate money to a cause. But maybe you can change a flat tire or call for a tow truck. Maybe you can watch someone’s kids in a pinch, or bring a meal for a hungry family, or help rake someone’s yard.

If you still don’t know what to do, then maybe a gift card or an encouraging word is good enough. Don’t overthink it. Each of us will serve in our own ways, but it all counts!


God, thanks for all the ways You love us. Help us to be willing to step up and offer whatever we have. After all, everything we have comes from You. You are the giver of all good things. Give us wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever offered to help a total stranger? How did it make you feel afterward? Was it worth it?

Tasks: Next time you see a chance to help someone, do! To see an example, read the story of the Good Samaritan. Pray for wisdom and courage… then follow through. Let God lead and see how He moves through you!