Last weekend, I spent several hours raking dead grass from my lawn. It had rained, so thankfully, it came up a little easier. Lydia helped me for a little while, but then one of the neighbor boys invited her over to play and ride their scooters.
On Saturday, I listened to my chronological Bible using some old headphones, and then made a couple of calls. The Bluetooth option was great because I was able to continue raking the whole time. In all, I spent 4+ hours raking a small portion of my yard.
I was starting to wind down when that same little neighbor came over and asked if he could help. He’s a few grades behind Lydia in school, but I was so impressed!

I had him pick up some of the grass and then gave him another rake when he asked for one. It was a lightweight rake and not as sharp as mine. He noticed how mine had more tines (sharper, worked better) and asked me why.
I said, “Oh, well, they are just good at different things.”
He quickly replied, “Just like people!”
He worked in an area not too far from me and chatted the whole time.
“Do you want to ask me some math questions? I know plus and minus.”
So, we covered several math facts up to around thirty!
Next, he asked if we wanted to tell jokes. We each had a few up our sleeves. After that, he showed me his new hat and asked if I liked his shoes. Then, we emptied our buckets of grass into the larger container.

As we talked, I thought I should reward him for his help and kindness. I asked if he would rather have some ice cream from Dairy Queen or some ice cream from my freezer in which he could add his own toppings. He asked if I had sprinkles and cherries (yes!), then he opted for the ice cream with toppings.
I was nearly done (and fairly sore), so was ready to pick everything up. He challenged me to keep going a little more because he wanted to try out a dustpan he was using to shovel dead grass into our buckets. With his help, I lasted another fifteen to twenty minutes!
What he said next warmed my heart even more. “I’ll help you more tonight if you want! I really like raking. It’s one of my favorite things to do.” What a happy helper!
But, soon we cleaned up instead and had the ice cream. He helped me carry everything across the street because, in the spirit of generosity, he thought Lydia and his family should also partake in the reward he earned. So considerate!
I used Sunday as a rest day and ran out late on Monday night to rake some more on my own. It was almost dark, so I didn’t stay outside long. But, on Tuesday night after dinner, Lydia and I planned to go out and rake for about forty-five minutes.

Once again, our neighbor came over to ask if Lydia could play again. This time, I said she needed to help me. To my surprise, he said, “I’ll help, too!” And then, he laid down his skateboard and helmet and grabbed a rake. I let him pick out the one he wanted.
Altogether, the three of us spent about twenty-five minutes raking and accomplished a lot more than we would have otherwise. I told our neighbor I was going to write about him, so maybe others would be inspired to help each other.
It was fun to see such initiative in my young neighbor. He saw someone who needed help and didn’t wait to be asked. In honor of him, today, do your work unto the Lord and with a cheerful heart!
God, thanks for all the ways You love us and provide for us. May we love each other and help with a cheerful heart! May we please You in everything we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: When was the last time you offered to help someone with yardwork?!
Tasks: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone today. Speak up and be a happy helper!
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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