It’s Gonna Be Okay

The week after the Spring time change (DST) is always a little rough. I didn’t feel it was off to too bad of a start, until I stayed up late two nights in a row working on a project and completely lost track of time! Thankfully, I felt fine, but I was moving slooow. Whoops!

Then, yesterday morning, Lydia slept in through her alarm! We each have our morning rhythms, which is more apparent when the timing gets off. Thankfully, I have built in extra time in Lydia’s schedule, so she wasn’t really too far behind like I was.

When our morning routine gets off, I have learned to roll with it. These are the days where I don’t do the extras. That means I skip the lathering shower pouf, use the lotion that takes less time to soak in, and don’t try anything new (think makeup and hair products)!

On those days, I don’t skip breakfast, but I may grab something portable or forgo the milk in my coffee. One reason I have trained myself to drink it black… sometimes, it’s necessary!

Yes, there are days when it seems everything is just “off” or something dramatic happens. This song, Into the Sea, by Tasha Layton, references Psalm 46:1-3, which says:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

I have been singing and humming about mountains falling into the sea all week, but yesterday, it made me think. What does it mean by ‘mountains falling into the sea?’

We don’t have mountains in Fargo, which is pretty flat. But, I have seen avalanches and glaciers calving online! And, practically speaking, this is a great picture of everything literally falling apart.

When the ground starts giving way beneath us, God is there to catch us!

Another line that stands out in that song is, “Only good things come from You.” I am reminded that chaos is not directly from God, but He will turn it into something good.

Because He is good… that is, goodness is a part of His nature… He can’t help but use my circumstances for His glory and my good. Of course, this isn’t just to make sure I get to work on time. But, rather that I stay in tune to His timing and follow His lead.

With Jesus on our side, it will always turn out well for us. That doesn’t mean we won’t have challenges, but He is with us and for us! With confidence, we can trust Him and say, “It’s gonna be okay!”


God, You are good! You sustain me when life is uncertain. Thanks for being my safe place. Thanks for staying close. Be my strength and hold me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions:  On those crazy-busy mornings, would you rather be late and do everything well? Or, do you have a back-up plan to save time?

Tasks: Crank up the sound and listen to the song, Into the Sea, linked above in pink. Then, listen to this song, “Safe Here,” by the same artist! Sooo good!