Finding Grace #260

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full of God’s grace. I felt Him directing my path and filling in the gaps along the way. I’m so grateful He leads me through parenting issues, especially when it comes to dealing with Lydia’s subtle but ongoing grief about her dad, my late-husband, Dave! She’s doing fine today but had a few emotional moments this week.

On Wednesday, Lydia had a check-up at the orthodontist. She had braces a couple of years ago, but currently she is only wearing a retainer. We’ll see what the future x-rays show, but for now, everything looks good. Ironically, the next day, Lydia lost another tooth!

It was a good work-week, too. I felt productive and accomplished a lot. I had good conversations and collaborations with my coworkers. I also had fun leading a student meeting for around 60 students, plus meeting with my own students later on.

Today, I enjoyed catching up with my parents on the phone. My mom and I compared parenting notes, and my dad helped me fix my kitchen garbage disposal. It felt good to troubleshoot and get the motor running again. It feels good to solve the problem on my own!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Lessons in Miscommunication

On Monday night, Lydia and I started a movie that was based on Malta, an island in the Mediterranean. She had never heard of this before, so I had her look it up online. We found the flag and other pertinent details about the country.

I also told her that’s where (the Apostle) Paul was shipwrecked on his way to be tried in Rome. He was bitten by a poisonous snake, and the natives were surprised when he was unharmed. Paul was invited to winter there, and he healed several people and discussed Jesus with those in charge. (See Acts 27-28)

So, last night, we went to the store and bought blueberries, among other items. At home, Lydia noticed they were from Chile and asked where that is.

L: Is that near Italy?

N: No, Chile is in South America. Italy is in the Mediterranean… Oh, let’s finish that movie tonight, if we can.

L: Ok, sure! Was Paul born in Italy?

N: No, he was born in Tarsus (modern day Turkey?). He was a Roman citizen, but he was also Jewish, from the tribe of Benjamin. He ended up in Jerusalem and persecuted those who first believed in Jesus. But, then he had a lifechanging encounter with Jesus! 🤓

L: Oh, so does that mean Aunt Livi is Jewish?

N: 🤔 … ??  Oh! I thought you meant the Apostle Paul because we were talking about the Mediterranean! But, you were talking about Uncle Paul. No, his family is Italian, but he was born in the US. And, no, he’s not Jewish and neither is Aunt Livi!

L, cracking up: Mom!! Oh my gosh!

Ah, lessons in communication… or is that miscommunication?! 😆

Perhaps I went a little overkill with Lydia. But, I try to take advantage of all the opportunities I can! Plus, I sincerely thought we were on the same page!

Lydia and I laughed so much at how one thing lead to another. Though, I wonder how many times we make assumptions about someone means. This example is funny, but sometimes, there is more at stake!

This was a good reminder for me to make sure to pay attention to what Lydia is saying and what she actually wants to know. I don’t need to overexplain, and I don’t want to be insensitive to her needs. It pays to pause and listen!

If anything, we can take a cue from the Apostle Paul. We can speak up and speak clearly, pointing people back to Jesus. While I may not always do it perfectly, I am grateful He already knows what’s on my heart and mind. May we use our words to bring glory to God, trusting He will give us the right words when we need them.


God, thanks for always communicating Your love for us clearly. Thanks for making Your love personal to each of us. Thanks for listening and leading us every day. May we listen and understand Your heart so we can translate that to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have a funny story of miscommunication?

Tasks: Tell me your favorite (funny) story of miscommunication… bonus points if it is with a kid! Remember to pause periodically to make sure you are communicating correctly.


Finding Grace #259

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was pretty quiet and went smoothly. It started off quite chilly (below zero), but is currently around 25F as I write this. A huge difference, and it feels so warm!

Work was busy, but good! I really enjoyed teaching my students more about medical nutrition therapy for diabetes. I shared various handouts with them that I have collected over the years. We reviewed portion sizes and carbohydrate counting. We discussed common myths about diabetes and trends I see in my patients (personal details are confidential, of course). This is a very important topic and it was fun to see them making practical connections to everyday life.

I noticed the days growing brighter and longer this week. Spring feels like it is just around the corner, and the time change will be coming up in a couple weeks. The subtle change is nice and it does seem to improve everyone’s moods! 🙂

This week, I was asked to pray for some big things in other people’s lives. I’m so glad God blessed them by saying YES! It is great to partner with God in prayer!

Today, Lydia had fun “camping” downstairs in a pop-up tent. She read and relaxed. She might even sleep down there tonight!

Tonight, some friends are coming over for Bible study. We always enjoy catching up! We are reading through the NLT Chronological Bible together this year, and it has been fun to discuss all that is going on. Currently we are in Leviticus! 😉


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Coming or Going

Lydia and I are coming off a three-day weekend, thanks to Presidents Day on Monday. 

We had considered traveling to Arizona to see family over the weekend, but a few weeks ago, I changed my mind. I had already adjusted my work schedule and traded on-call dates, so that wasn’t the issue. Also, I could have taught my class online, if needed. Basically, I was starting to prepare but didn’t have peace.

Yes, I really wanted to go, but there were several things holding me back. Some reasons were practical, like Lydia missing three days of school, not wanting to fly during COVID, or possibly having to quarantine.

Driving wasn’t really an option this time either. Arizona would be a twenty-five hour trip, one way, with me doing all the driving!

Certainly, Arizona would have been fun, but I still had a sense of hesitation. I could not place my finger on it (besides potential weather issues or having to plan ahead while already feeling time-crunched). In the end, I made the decision to stay home and was glad.

Turns out, maybe God just wanted me to rest!

As it was, Lydia and I had a really relaxing and restorative weekend. Sure, we did a little cleaning and laundry and projects, but we also slept in, worked on a puzzle, watched movies, played Monopoly, cooked some delicious food, and more.

It was just what we needed! I know Arizona would have been worth it, too, and I was bummed to say no. But, with so many variables up in the air, it seemed wise to hold off.

Most people would love to head South at this time of year. Especially in the Midwest right now! Other states are having historic cold snaps, but the brutal temperatures are just our normal winter weather in Fargo. If anything, we’ve had an easy winter… perhaps one reason why I don’t feel the need to escape!

Ironically, two other friends flew to Arizona and loved relaxing in the heat! From their beautiful pictures, it was just what they needed, too!

I’m grateful God leads each of us differently. He may tell some to stay and some to go. He may ask others to speak up and others to stay quiet. The Lord gives and takes away. He loves us in equal measure but will use our unique traits as He sees fit.

We don’t have to feel bad or feel afraid of missing out on life. As long as we are paying attention to Jesus and doing what He says, we will end up where we need to be.

Whether we are coming or going, we can trust Him! He knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for leading us and providing for us. Thanks for bringing us restoration and peace as You watch over us. May we bring You glory whether we are coming or going! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy the blustery winter weather? Do you have any upcoming travel plans? How do you see God blessing you today?

Tasks: Conserve your energy. Instead of feeding negativity, look for what’s going well. Trust that God has you where He wants you!

Finding Grace #258

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full but good! The temperature stayed below zero for most of the week, but really, it wasn’t too bad. I just dressed in layers and went about my day. Thankfully, I ran most all of my errands when it was (relatively) warmer last week!

Otherwise, I enjoyed being productive at work and home! I definitely felt God leading me and keeping me safe. The roads were a little slippery one morning and a car cut across three lanes of traffic. Another person hit their brakes and started to slide. I don’t think their were any collisions but it was very close!

I worked on my book a little more this week. It is very close to being done! Thanks for your patience. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Yesterday, Lydia was so excited for her Valentine’s party at school. She offered to share some of her candy with me, which was cute. After I picked her up, she noticed a bald eagle soaring in circles above us. She said it was the best day ever!

Then, today, we cleaned up a bit, worked on some projects, talked with family on the phone, and put together a puzzle. It should be a great, relaxing three day weekend!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Bring Your Tough Questions to Jesus

Yesterday, I watched a Bible Project video about “emet,” that is, God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness. I love these videos! Interestingly, the next video in the series says that Exodus 34:6-7 is the most repeated and re-quoted text by Biblical authors. Wow!!

I also heard a teacher from Read through the Word say, “If you can’t quite see God’s faithfulness in your own life, look for His faithfulness in the lives of others… both in the Bible and people you know.”

So, naturally, God’s faithfulness is on my mind this week! That said, it can sometimes be difficult to see faithfulness when you are in the midst of trials or emotional upheaval. But keep looking… It’s there!

Also, earlier this week, I was texting with two different ladies at the same time. One is very close to me and the other I have never met (a friend of a friend). They are both going through the early stages of severe grief, though their losses are different. Neither felt up to talking on the phone, so texting was their preferred option.

I wish I could take away the pain these ladies are feeling, but I cannot. It will take a fair amount of time and effort to process their intense grief. I’m available to help and listen, but I cannot heal their hearts on my own. However, I can point them toward God’s faithfulness. If they draw close to Him, He will be there strength and everything they need.

After my late-husband, Dave, died in 2013, I certainly had a lot of questions with few answers. I chose not to be mad at God, but still I wondered what our relationship was supposed to look like. I was understandably confused and disappointed.

Back then, another friend simply encouraged me to keep bringing those questions to God Himself. She validated my feelings and challenged me to not give up. Her words resonated with me as she reminded me that God could handle all my emotions. All I had to do was keep coming to Him. It was a breath of fresh air!

My daughter, Lydia, is quite resilient, but even so, she does tend to go through periods of mourning for her dad. Her grief is different than mine, and I cannot always shield her from pain and loss. Though, I can to create a safe space to discuss what’s on her heart.

Recently, Lydia showed me a paper from church where the children were asked to write down questions they would ask God. I don’t know what the lesson was about, but on the top of her list was this question: How is my dad doing?

While I hate that she has to bear such loss, I am glad she feels good about asking God tough questions. (She also asked what God’s favorite color and food were, so I don’t think she was too upset on that day.)

Bottom line: Our doubts and fears can yield a deeper faith as long as we bring all of those questions to Jesus, instead of turning away and trying to cope on our own.

Whether we come to God in anger, confusion, sadness, disappointment—or even with joy and gratitude—we are changed in the presence of Jesus.

He can handle our deepest concerns because His grace knows no bounds. It may be slow progress, but eventually, we will be on level ground again.

Don’t give up when you don’t get the answers you want. Just keep asking and trusting. God will make everything right in due time.

I’m grateful He knows our hearts better than we do!


God, thanks that we can bring all our tough questions directly to You. Thanks for Your unmatched grace and faithfulness. Please speak words of comfort and healing; Lord, give us Your peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you find yourself weeping with those who weep? Or are you trying to bring surface (quick and superficial) solutions to deep and lasting grief?

Tasks: If you don’t know what to say to someone who is grieving, perhaps don’t say anything. Instead, show up for them. Be available even just to sit and listen, or help with difficult task. Finally, listen to this song, “God Help Me,” by Plumb.

Finding Grace #257

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was bittersweet. On Sunday, my cousin’s twelve-year-old son was killed in a tragic snowmobile accident. Death and grief are difficult under any circumstances, but the loss of a child are unimaginable. Thanks for keeping my family in prayer.

Work went well at the VA and I worked all five days, as opposed to my usual four days. I recently had additional hours permanently approved, so that started this week. I am grateful for God’s provision, and I am happy to go in on Fridays for a part-day now. 

I did not go to Concordia this week, due to some other college scheduling. But, I still worked on some upcoming lessons, graded assignments, and answered emails, etc. It was strange not to be on campus, though!

Today, Lydia and I relaxed somewhat amid all our Saturday chores. I roasted a variety of vegetables and made a mushroom stroganoff that was so delicious! I also made a simple onion bagel with veggie cream cheese, cucumbers, and seasoning. It was a good day to stay inside, and I love being creative in the kitchen!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Living Amid the Shadow of Death

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” –Psalm 23:4, ESV

On Sunday morning, my cousin’s precious 12-year-old son (Ethan, her only child) was tragically killed in a snowmobiling accident in Ohio. Please keep his parents and all of my family in prayer. There are no words to describe the collective heartache.

Moreover, lately, I have been aware of other people’s equally difficult losses, too. Whether loss of life due to COVID, other health issues, or even more senseless tragedies, death and destruction seem to be everywhere these days.

In times like these, I think of all my loved ones who have already passed on. It is comforting to imagine Ethan being greeted by my grandparents, two aunts (one of which is his grandmother), and my late husband, Dave. Often, it brings me comfort but sometimes, I have to stop before my grief gets the best of me.

Yes, grief is extremely painful at times. But while I am very aware of the so-called reality of Death, I am also very aware of the ultimate reality of Eternal Life and even the joy found in living in the here and now.

When I can’t wrap my mind around all of the sadness, I take all my thoughts and feelings to Jesus. He is the Source of Life, and He helps me sort out all my problems, emotions, and doubts. He relieves me of those burdens and gives me a lighter load.

But even though Jesus conquered Death (and Sin) when he rose from the grave, we still deal the pain and darkness of it every day. We, as Christ followers, place our hope in God’s eternal wisdom and plan, even we don’t understand it. We mourn differently than those who place their hope in earthly things.

Yet, how do we keep living amid the shadow of Death?

**The ideas that follow are not so much “tips” as they are reflections. Each person handles grief and loss in their own unique way. Nonetheless, I hope these thoughts point you in the right direction, towards Jesus, who will make everything right someday.**

First things first, we draw closer to the Light of Jesus. A shadow is not a shadow without the presence of light. So, in Jesus’ presence, we keep the shadows in perspective.

Similarly, we recognize that Death has lost its power. A shadow constantly shifts shape, but there is no hint of darkness or changing in Jesus (James 1:17). God is God over the shadows (2 Kings 20:9-11). When we look to the Cross of Christ, we will see death for what it really is. Only temporary.

Next, we celebrate the lives of those we love and are missing. We talk about them and share memories of them. We honor them as we place one step in front of the other, living a full life and making the most of our time. Life is so short…but God’s grace is abundant.

We recall that God does not bring tragedy and pain upon His children, but He helps us in our struggles and does not leave us in the valley on our own. He collects our tears and won’t waste our pain. Yes, He promises to use these horrible circumstances for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28).

Finally, we understand God is not surprised by tragedies or twists in our life story. If we are willing to trust Him, He will even use our story to help bring healing to someone else. We can choose to keep moving forward with Jesus.

He is the God of all comfort and peace.


God, we thank You for the gift of Life. Lord, You are the King and You reign over death. Will You help us to trust You more when we don’t understand? Please bring Your peace and comfort, Lord. Give us courage and strength as we keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: In the midst of tragedies, where are you placing your hope and trust? Have you asked Jesus to meet you in the midst of your pain?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Valleys Fill First,” by Caedmon’s Call. Remember to take all your pain, sorrow, and grief to Jesus! He loves you more than you can even imagine.