For her birthday last week, Lydia received several wonderful presents. For instance, she received a couple of LEGO sets, and we had fun putting them together last weekend.
I let Lydia do most of the work, but we both enjoyed the process. I mainly supervised but was happy she considered me to be part of the team.
Of course, we have put together multiple LEGO sets, but the details always amaze me. The directions contain virtually no words to describe what is expected, so it is mainly through looking at pictures one can be successful. Somehow it always works out!
Last week, there were times when we had to pull something apart and rebuild it. But even when we had to go back a few steps, it only made the final product stronger.

Besides gifts, Lydia also received an Amazon gift card and some cash. I usually have her save her money, but this time, I let her buy something special.
After comparing several ideas and looking through options, she decided on Botley, the Coding Robot. Two-day shipping meant her package came right away! 
Lydia first learned about coding last year, and I encourage any opportunity to build on her STEAM skills in a fun way. (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math)
So far, using Botley seems straightforward. He says hello, chatters periodically, and is really cute! I’ve even played with him after Lydia has gone to bed. 
Botley is very hands-on, while still promoting critical thinking. I appreciate he brings ‘screen-free’ playtime. Thankfully, Lydia had enough birthday money to upgrade her set, so it should keep us engaged for awhile!

‘Coding’ is essentially computer programming. It is cool to see the basics of how this works behind the scenes. In our modern tech-driven society, coding is one key to making the world go ’round. So, for kids today, this is more or less a necessary skill.
Technology is not a stand-in for interpersonal skills, kindness, generosity, etc., but I want Lydia to stretch herself, learn new things, and grow. If she can have fun, too, bring it on!
Botley was simple to set up, and we were playing with him in a matter of minutes. At first, Lydia thought Botley was more of a remote control car, moving forward, backward, left, or right on a whim.
But soon, she realized she needed to plan ahead and tell her little robot what to do to help him reach the final destination or goal. It was a challenge for her to think through each step!

Interestingly, I see several parallels between LEGO sets, coding robots, and God’s sovereign plan for us. From DNA and fingerprints to unique personalities, talents, and interests… He has designed us for greatness!
It brings God great joy when we follow His direction and leading with a cheerful heart. As we move through each challenge, He cheers us on!
If we forget a step, we may have to fix something before we move forward. But if we lose sight of our goal, God is right there to remind us, encourage us, and empower us.
On the other hand, while God is the Master Coder, we are not His robots. Instead, He invites us into His family as dearly loved children!

We are also God’s partners. He takes charge but gives us personal responsibility too. Unlike Botley, who has no choice, if I refuse to listen, I have consequences.
At the very least, if I am disobedient, I risk not fulfilling His amazing plan for me.
I’m grateful God shares His plans with us. He never expects us to just ‘figure it out.’
We have several gifts and resources to help us. We have our God-given conscience and the Bible (God’s Word). We also have His peace and presence through the Holy Spirit.
God usually doesn’t share ALL the details at once, but thankfully, He always tells us what we need to know. Draw near to Him, ask for His input, and then do it!
Heavenly Father, thanks for Your wonderful, sovereign plan! Thanks for always having Your best in mind for me. Help me walk it out in faithful obedience. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: Do you feel like you are in a loving partnership with God or a remote-controlled robotic relationship?
Tasks: Pray for wisdom and direction, if you need it. Make sure to follow-through!
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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