Finding Grace #134

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an awesome week, full God’s grace. On Monday, I video-chatted with a good friend. She called me from Sweden, and we had a good time catching up. I also was grateful for the rainy weather, because it forced me to do some indoor work. I accomplished a lot that day! 🙂

On Tuesday, our local school district was voting on a referendum to build a third high school, improve security at the schools, and more. I voted before work and was happy to find out Tuesday night that the referendum passed. I am thankful for the right to vote, and I always think of the women before me who fought for that right. 🙂

On Wednesday, it was work and JBQ as usual. Lydia did well memorizing her answers for the week. Then, a couple we met in Fargo, who now lives in Colorado, came to stay with us for a couple of days. They have a little boy, and it was an honor to have them visit us. It’s always fun to catch up with old friends, especially those who knew my late-husband, Dave!

I’m leading a Bible study on Thursday evenings, and we’ve had great conversations. The topic is on fear, and it’s interesting to see how each of us relates. We talked for quite a while after the book portion was done. I was so touched when one person said, “You know it’s a good group when you’re still visiting an hour after it was supposed to be over!

This week, the weather was chilly. Autumn is definitely here! I hope to mow one more time, and have a few other outdoor jobs to complete before it gets much colder. Still, I enjoy this time of year and am thankful for a variety of seasons! One more reason to choose joy ahead of time!

Where did you find God’s grace?


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Choose Joy

I have previously written about a choice we have to make between fear and faith. Choosing faith is about consistently trusting Jesus and not giving in to fear. If it were easy, everyone would do it! 🙂

Another choice we can make is between joy and misery. I don’t always remember that I have a choice in how I feel…but I do have a choice. I can’t control the outcome or situation, but I can control how I react…

So lately, I have been being more proactive—planning ahead of time what my ‘reaction’ will be in a given situation. I think about my day in terms of all the choices and activities I face.

I choose between getting up early or sleeping in. I also choose my attitude each morning when getting myself and Lydia ready for the day. I consider all the people I will see and influence through conversations. I even think about what I’m going to have for lunch or dinner, and the fact that I need to go to the store at some point.

Not all of these will go as I imagine, and that’s to be expected. Quite often, life seems upside down. There will be some surprises!

But instead of making my emotions the center, I focus my heart on Jesus. This helps me not attach my faith to the outcome…but to Jesus alone.

He is the one who determines my steps.

Ultimately, my ‘success’ is not measured by the world’s standards. It comes down to if I am obedient to God, to follow His instructions. And that takes work…effort.

As such, I aim to go to sleep at a certain time. I tell Lydia how much I love her. I choose to pray for my patients before I get to work. I do my best with what I have.

Yet, there is one more way I can prepare myself for success: I can choose joy ahead of time. Or, at the very least I can choose not to be miserable, by having a good attitude and not complaining!! There is joy in serving the Lord!

Happiness is linked to whether our environment is pleasing to us. Happiness, while certainly good, is based on emotions. It is subject to change based on what happens.

Cue the emotional roller coaster…when times get tough!

Joy is more internal, not dependent on outward circumstances, which can change quite rapidly. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and is from God. It’s not optimism or positivity, as nice as those are. Joy comes when God fortifies us with His strength.

Joy shines most brightly in the midst of trials. Choosing joy comes with trusting God and stepping forward in faith. Joy is invaluable. It’s not always easy, but choosing faith, joy, and Jesus is always worth it!

Neither faith nor joy is easy all the time. If they were, we wouldn’t struggle—and we wouldn’t need Jesus. There will be tough days ahead…guaranteed.

But by God’s grace, we have made it through every other tough day so far. And praise God, we can keep moving forward in joy and faith…even if we don’t feel like it!


God, thank You for being with us in each trial. Thanks for leading us and preparing the way. Help us not get stuck in our emotions, but move forward with wisdom, courage, faith, joy, and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you consider yourself ‘joyful’? Why or why not?

Tasks: Listen to “Joy” by For King and Country. Make sure you turn it up and dance!

Finding Grace #133

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a good week, full of fun events. On Sunday, a pastor I know from Illinois visited; he knows my parents too. He gave me a shout out from the pulpit. It was fun to connect with him after the service. It’s a small world!

On Tuesday, I left work late and missed picking up Lydia from the bus. I texted my neighbor, Melissa, who was able to take Lydia home. When I arrived a few minutes later, she asked if Lydia could stay and play. During that time, I was able to complete a few chores and my Wednesday blog post. Then, she fed us both dinner and dessert! I’m grateful for Melissa’s generosity and God’s provision! Thank you! 🙂

Lydia worked really hard, read and studied all her JBQ questions. She was able to answer all the questions correctly and moved on to the next booklet. I enjoyed leading her group and am impressed by how many kids are memorizing God’s word. What a blessing!

I had my “Facing Fear, Finding Faith” Bible study on Thursday. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to lead the group. Going through this with others helps me, too. I’m glad we don’t have to be afraid!

Today, Lydia and I went with our friend, Sara, to a local ‘junk market’ at the fairgrounds, which as you may guess has antiques, upcycled items, jewelry, specialty foods, as well as new house decor. All afternoon, we had so much fun perusing the market! It’s a fun tradition! I bought a few fun magnets for my refrigerator and a couple of pictures.

We’ve had beautiful weather this week, but, it is starting to get cooler. I’ve noticed fewer Monarch butterflies day-by-day…and the Canada geese also are starting to head south. The trees are also starting to change colors. The autumn is a short season, but it is so lovely! 🙂

Where did you find God’s grace?


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Moving Past Fear, Anxiety, and Worry

Last week, I started a small group Bible study for ladies, called Facing Fear, Finding Faith. We use a workbook and Scripture to discuss Biblical coping methods for facing fear, anxiety, and worry. It takes what we know from clinical psychology and combines it with God’s word. A powerful double whammy!

I am the facilitator for my group, which meets at my house, but we all have opportunities to share ideas with each other. I am looking forward to growing with these ladies!

For the purposes of our study, fear, anxiety, and worry are treated the same. But, the definitions provided in the workbook are listed separately. (source, page 2)

Fear: The cause of the threat is known, and is based in reality.

Anxiety: The threat is unknown. Because the individual cannot pinpoint the source of threat, an overall uneasy feeling of dread results.

Worry: The threat may be known or unknown. The individual is consumed with a nagging, excessive concern.

As I prepared to lead the group, I spent a lot of my time considering how each of these has impacted me. To my surprise, what I generally have always categorized as generalized fear, could actually be anxiety or worry.

Additionally, not all fears are negative. Some fears are healthy and keep us safe. There is a rational component, such as not touching a hot stove because you’d get burned. In this case, fear seems fairly relatable. Anyone could be afraid of a known threat based in reality.

The workbook, however, is more focused on the overwhelming and unhelpful side of fear. The problem occurs when fear stops you from being bold and living a full life.

Taking my hot stove example to the extreme, you might never cook anything at all or avoid the entire kitchen for fear of a hot stove. Then, it becomes irrational or life-controlling.

Surprisingly, I relate more to anxiety than I previously would have guessed. At times, I can get kind of jittery inside, yet it takes me a while to understand what is causing me to be agitated. Just even pausing and becoming more aware has helped!

For me, worry boils down to focusing on something so much I neglect other thoughts or tasks. I can get so stuck in my head sometimes! 🙂

So why am I explaining this to you?

Well, for one thing, week one of this study was eye-opening to me because I thought I just struggled with fear—but didn’t understand the role anxiety and worry played.

I already feel a million times more at peace, just by distinguishing the different factors at work. I’m excited as I prepare for week two!

Plus, by identifying the problem, I can quickly take it to Jesus and let Him help me. He is the Light of the World and displaces all fear and darkness! Praise God!

Unwittingly, fear used to be my default. I didn’t even truly realize it until my late-husband Dave got diagnosed with cancer. Then, God taught me how to deal with my fear.

It wasn’t fun, simple, or pretty—but I am so grateful.

Finally, I know many other people deal with these types of issues too. No one should have to deal with fear, anxiety, or worry alone. My hope is this will be a prompt to get some help, professional or otherwise, and break free from fear, anxiety, and worry.

Don’t give up!


Heavenly Father, thanks for setting me free from fear. Thank You that I don’t have to be afraid. Help me walk in your power and strength. Renew my mind and show me new ways to keep moving forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you deal with fear, anxiety, or worry? One…or all three?

Tasks: First, consider asking a counselor or trusted friend (or both!) for help.

Second, listen to “The Way (New Horizons)”  by Pat Barrett. It always reminds me of God’s goodness and redirects my focus back to Jesus. I love the lyrics:

“It’s a new horizon and I’m set on You
And You meet me here today with mercies that are new
All my fears and doubts, they can all come too
Because they can’t stay long when I’m here with You”

Finding Grace #132

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a fun week, and I am grateful for the ways God used me. I was able to catch up with several friends. I’m thankful I could listen to them and encourage them.

I also had some ladies over for Bible study. The topic is “Facing Fear, Finding Faith,” which is pertinent because everyone faces fear from time to time. I’m looking forward to connecting more with these friends and learning how to deal with fear in a godly way.

Yesterday, while Lydia was in school, I went to a local to pick some apples. I was able to enjoy a fun walk and the beautiful day. While I was there, I saw a garter snake, which was the first one I’ve seen in the eight years I’ve been in ND (and hopefully, the last!).

Today, Lydia and I have had fun together. We did some short exercises, played Jenga, read some books, talked with family on the phone, and watched a movie, I also mowed the lawn while Lydia played outside. It felt good to have a fairly relaxing day!

Where did you find God’s grace?


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Say So!

Lately, I have been implementing a new morning routine, using “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod (no affiliate links). I have gotten up early on-and-off over the years, but haven’t always maintained those stints…

Nonetheless, I find it helpful to wake up before Lydia so I can have some time to gather my thoughts and accomplish a few personal tasks. It helps me feel like I am starting the morning with my best foot forward.

(It helps that my cousin also gets up early and can keep me accountable!)

One part of the “Miracle Morning” that I have come to enjoy is saying affirmations. I used to think this was a cheesy way to toot my own horn. Not so appealing!

But now, I realize affirmations are really about calling out the good I see in myself.

It’s a way to give myself grace.

I used to focus more on my weaknesses and failures—but let’s face itthat never helped!

Instead, focusing on the positive through saying affirmations out loud has kept me from going back to bed. Another benefit is that I am retraining my brain every morning.

Now that’s a win-win!

This week, I downloaded a phone app called “ThinkUp which already has a ton of affirmations listed. There is a free version, where you can list 5 affirmations (theirs or DIY). But, for about $15, you can buy the premium version which allows you to track as many as you want.

I have already used a number of the affirmations in the app, but I have put in quite a few of my own, too. Some of them are simple statements like, “I love who I have become.” Some are statements about God’s faithfulness to me. Others are Scripture verses, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Some of the affirmations I put in are quotes by famous people, like, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’ll take all the reminders I can get. As long as it motivates and encourages me, it counts!

Interestingly, while the affirmations about me are true, some of them are not easy to do. Yet they give me something to work toward and achieve.

For example, “I appreciate the ability to rest” is true, but I have to remember to actually do this regularly! Taking care of myself and resting is so important.

One cool part of the app is that you can record the affirmations in your own voice. So, instead of just reading them to yourself, you can listen to them. I love this because it’s essentially reprogramming my self-talk. (It also reminds me of the good in other people.)

God loves affirming us, too! In Matthew 3:17, the Father affirmed Jesus and said how pleased He was with His Son. He loves us the same! Praise God!

Here are some other affirmations I have found helpful:

“I enjoy waking up early to reach my goals.”

“I love taking care of my body so my body can take care of me.”

“I focus on progress, not perfection.”

 “I give myself grace and extend it to others.”

“I am doing my best and that is enough.”

“I am well-loved and have lots of people cheering me on.”

“I am grateful for my life’s challenges because they help me grow and become who I am.”

“Put on the full armor of God.” (from Ephesians 6:10-18)

“I am resilient and keep moving forward.”

“When I see something good, I say so.”

Ultimately, what God says to me and about me is most important.

I want to repeat what He says!


Heavenly Father, thanks for affirming me in Your Word. Please renew my mind and transform me from the inside out. Thanks for all You do for me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you use affirmations on a regular basis? Has it changed anything for you?

Tasks: Download the “ThinkUp” app and record at least 5 affirmations!

Finding Grace #131

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Sunflowers

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really refreshing week with many unexpected but delightful surprises. On Monday, I decided to mow the grass, but also ended up doing about 3.5 hours of yard work. I raked some dead grass, trimmed and mowed, prepared my flower bed for the cooler weather, and even put down some new grass seed. I was sore for days but felt energized!

Work went well this week, including one day when all my patients canceled or didn’t show. Weird! Thankfully, the patients I did see really were encouraged along their journey. It was rewarding for me to connect with them and feel that I was helpful. 

Wednesday evening kicked off Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) at church. This year, the format will be a little different but the changes are for the better. I will be in charge of the Kindergartners and first graders, so Lydia is pleased about that. We met some new kids, who were so cute and talkative. It will be a fun year learning God’s Word!

On Thursday, I had an important conference call with an advisor and was happy that it went well. As we talked, I was so encouraged by how well God has taken care of me and Lydia over the years. His love never fails! Afterward, I went to see a movie and my neighbors picked up Lydia from the bus. It was a fun and rewarding day!

This week we’ve had outstanding weather! It’s been unusually calm and sunny in the mid-70s. It has also been a little cooler in the morning, and fall is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to the next season, but I will enjoy today while it lasts! 🙂

Thank You, Jesus!! Where did you find God’s grace?


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Pray and Push Through

I have noticed a theme in my life lately: God is calling me to pray and push through. Keep on keeping on.

Life is certainly crazy at times, but despite the ups and downs, I need to persevere. I may not always see what God is doing, but I need to hang on tight to Jesus!

Change can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes, it seems change will never come. Bored, I can’t stand to bide my time. Then, when abrupt change does happen, I want things to return to the way they were! (I can be so fickle!)

Similarly, perhaps you find yourself in an impossible situation that looks like it will never change. Perhaps what you were hoping for hasn’t come to pass. Or, perhaps life just looks so different… certainly not what you expected.

Maybe it feels like only an ‘act of God’ will bring what you desire! It’s easy to feel down when it seems He is not listening to your cries for help. But, there is hope. Don’t give up!

The good news is that God always hears us and answers each of our prayers. He just may not answer how we want. God answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No, or Not Yet.

Instead of trying to figure out how to make what we want happen, we can choose to trust God and His timing. God won’t give us anything less than His best.

He already gave us Jesus, His greatest gift—everything else is just gravy!

It’s a relief knowing God hears me and has good plans for me.

Even if God says No—or makes me wait it out—I am grateful I don’t have to make the final decision. I just have to be faithful and do what He has asked me to do.

I can praise God while I am waiting (and still hoping) but also know if it is ultimately a No, then He has something even better in store. Waiting on God is a win-win!

What joy! I can’t go wrong!

“God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.” –Jim Elliot


Father God, You are so good! Thanks for always giving me Your best. Help me trust You more as I wait. By Your grace and power, I won’t give up! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you holding onto a dream that seems beyond you? Are you tempted to walk away from it? Could it be that God wants you to press in closer to Him?

Tasks: Read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Listen to “The Way” by Pat Barrett.

Finding Grace #130

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a red-letter week, and I am counting every blessing! First, Lydia started school again. She had been counting down the days for about a month. She was excited to start a new routine and see her friends. On her first day, she said her favorite activities were snack, recess, lunch, and art. 🙂 Also, we’ve had good weather for walking to the bus!

Now that school is back in session, I have a little more “free” time. Generally, this equates to fewer daycare costs and more quiet time to write, do housework, or run errands. Nice, but not so glamorous. On Thursday, however, I got a massage and then caught up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a couple months! Very refreshing!

This week, I received fresh tomatoes from my uncle in Ohio! He used to send tomatoes to my aunt (his sister) each year when she lived in Colorado. Since she died, I am honored to receive them on her behalf. They were delicious!

On Friday, after Lydia got on the bus, I took a brisk 45-minute walk around the surrounding neighborhood. It felt good to get the exercise! Then, I came home and spent time writing. I also made veggie soup, did two loads of laundry, and felt so productive!

Today, Lydia went to our neighbors’ house to play, while I was able to get several things accomplished. And tonight, their kids are playing at my house with Lydia while they go out. It’s a win-win for all of us! I’m grateful to have such great neighbors and friends.

It was another joyful week. Thank You, Jesus!!

Where did you find God’s grace this week?


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!