Trusting God in Transition

Happy Spring!! I hope you are enjoying sunshine and warmth!!

Here in Fargo…it still looks like winter. In fact, we just got another dusting of snow again this week. However, the snow won’t last long. Change is on its way!

I’m thankful that I chose last week to travel to my hometown in Illinois rather than this week. Because the Lord directed our path and timing, we didn’t have to travel on wet or icy roads. Thank You, Jesus!

Soon, my mom and dad won’t have to deal with snow in Florida!

As my parents finish packing and head south, I have been thinking about life in our small community. Local friends are rallying around my mom and dad to show support, share a meal, and send them off.

Clearly, I’m not the only one grateful for their influence and impact. They have quite a legacy of servant leadership, faithfulness, kindness, and generosity!

I’ve also been recalling all of our memories in the home they built. Since I have been in Fargo for several years, distance has created ’emotional space’ regarding the actual house.

But still, it does seem odd not to be able to call it HOME for much longer… 

Nonetheless, I’m proud of my parents for making the transition. They have been talking about it for a long time. And, I’ve also happily acquired some treasured items from their 43 years of marriage (so far). Bonus!

Moving can be difficult as familiarity is left behind….but I know from personal experience how rewarding it can be to jump into the unknown.

Besides, it’s normal to have new challenges now and then. They remind us this world is not our home… Let’s keep moving forward. God has so much more in store!

God promises to be faithful to those who love and follow Him… Jesus is not bound by zipcodes, timezones, weather, the postal service, or any airline. I know He will take care of my parents just as well in Florida! It is a new adventure!

Transitions can be both scary and exciting. The best part is that times of transition can draw us closer to Jesus. But it’s our choice whether to draw near…

We all have times in our lives where our faith is challenged and doubts creep in. But, if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, we will remain steady. He is our Rock and our sure foundation. Our hope is in Him.

With Jesus, nothing of value is really lost. Most of us prefer safety and comfort over uncertainty, but everything that truly matters is secure in Christ. We find true peace and rest in Jesus. He will never let us down!

So… I take comfort in those wonderful memories of growing up in the country. I appreciate all the time we spent outdoors and as a family. But, I also look forward to creating new memories… at the beach!

God is good and His plans for us are also good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your love and grace. Thanks for protecting and providing so well for us. In times of transition, help us to rest and trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in a time of transition? How can you trust Jesus to help you thrive?

Tasks: Ultimately, this world is not our home… Listen to the song, ‘Home‘ by Chris Tomlin.