Finding Grace #8

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

green grass

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  • My mother-in-law came to visit us this week. We always have fun with her and were glad she came. She watched Lydia for me a few hours each day so I could work and write without daycare time limits. It was such a blessing not to have to rush to pick up Lydia! That meant, she and Lydia had special activities each day, including making rice krispy treats, seeing a movie, swimming, and going to the library. Lydia was in heaven! We planned her next visit and will see her later this summer.
  • Lydia played outside with the neighbors on Thursday and Friday. She made a May Day basket with Grandma, and delivered it to her friends across the street. We had rain earlier in the week, so it was nice to get outside!
  • Later in the week, on two different days, we babysat some little friends. Lydia loved holding the babies and being the ‘big helper.’ I was glad to help these moms because I had other friends help at a moment’s notice years ago when Dave was sick. We are all in this together, and it feels good to help others in a pinch. Pass it on! 🙂
  • All the rain meant…I needed to mow! Yep, I mowed for the first time in APRIL. It’s usually at least the middle of May before that starts up. But, again, I am thankful for God’s grace. For three summers, a few of Dave’s coworkers rotated through the mowing each week. They took good care of my lawn when I was struggling. As Lydia has grown older, I have done the mowing. These guys bought an ‘almost-new’ mower for me, and resold my old one after fixing it up. I’m so thankful for their help and generosity. Mowing my lawn makes me realize just how far God has brought us. Thank You, Jesus!
  • I love the changing of seasons. While I was mowing, I saw several buds on the trees. New leaves will pop out soon. It feels like summer will be full force soon!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?

The Upside of Failure

Occasionally, we have days when everything is amazing. Good food, good hair, good sleep, good kids, good job, good workout, good weather. Awesome! But, alas, it seems there are also days NOTHING goes right! We can push to our limit and give it our best….but still fail somewhere. When experiencing failure, it is easy to feel defeated, like we want to give up.

Thankfully, there is a difference between failing and “being a failure.” Failure (or failing) is good in many ways! Here’s what I learned from a conversation on weight lifting.


A friend’s old exercise plan included completing 4 sets of 10 repetitions before moving on to the next exercise. That was fine until his goals changed. Then, he switched up his routine to use heavier weights and build more muscle mass.

He did as many reps as possible, until he could safely do no more—that is, until he reached “failure.” At that point, the muscles start to break down. Slowly, our body is rebuilt with increased strength and muscle mass.

(That’s oversimplifying things—I’m not an expert!)

This friend grew frustrated when he couldn’t do as many repetitions. He thought failure meant defeat. When he finally saw results, however, he realized—failure brings growth.

He went on to list other important factors for building muscles: nutrition, rest, and time. Nutrition, rest and time are all interconnected. But, each is unique for its role in recovery.


Proper nutrition is vital for muscle growth. Adequate calories and protein are necessary to heal and increase strength. There are other things to consider, but consistency is key.

An athlete wouldn’t skip an opportunity to refuel. Nor would they replenish themselves on junk food! Spiritually, God’s Word is our fuel.  We grow when we spend time with God! As we take in His Word, God renews and transforms us from the inside out (see Romans 12:2). We can’t expect good outcomes if we don’t have good input!

Rest is essential to recovery and well-being. A rest day after intense exercise brings relief to sore muscles. It is a gift! Without rest, there is no restoration. In our quiet moments with Him, God rebuilds us into a stronger person.

Taking a rest break can be a challenge. We live in a fast-paced world. If we’re not careful, we will burn out. For some people, the slower pace can feel unnerving. But it’s worth it. I now look forward to scheduling down time in my life!

Time is also a gift. Waiting is difficult when you have many goals and dreams! As time goes on and we seek God’s input, He refines us. We’re all a work in progress, right?

We spend much of our lives waiting… My goal is to always learn all I can in those times. I look at it as training and preparation while God works out all the details for me.

The best is yet to come!


Faith is like a muscle. We have to exercise it in order for it to grow. Just like a healthy body takes effort, so does faith. So, when trials and setbacks come, don’t fear failure. Rather than accept defeat, see setbacks as growth opportunities!

There may be pain, but don’t let that hinder your progress. If you let Him, God will prepare you for greater capacity and greater responsibilities. During your rest period, feast on God’s word as you wait for Him to finish the work.

The upside of failure is that it redirects our focus. God is in control of the final outcome, we just have to be faithful in our role. So, let God teach you—He will set you up for success. It might take some time, but when you (finally!) do see results, it will be worth the wait.


God, You are so wise. Thank You for leading, teaching, and restoring us during times of rest. Help us trust Your growth process. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: When exercising, do you prefer cardio or lifting weights? Regarding life circumstances, what is God using to grow your faith in Him?


Finding Grace #7

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

river banks

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  • I loved the rainy weather at the beginning of the week. Besides getting to wear my fuchsia rain jacket, it turned everything green! 🙂 We also enjoyed some sunny days too. Soon I will have to mow the lawn, but I will choose to praise God for the beautiful weather!
  • Lydia loves playing outside. One evening as she played with a neighbor girl, I worked outside picking up debris in our yard. I raked a few small areas and set up the table and chairs on the deck. I swept the garage and organized a few tools for the summer season. Finally, I put out the windchimes that were given to me as memorial to Dave. With the high winds we have in Fargo, we think of him often! Completing those tasks made me proud because a few years ago, I was far too overwhelmed with grief and an active toddler. I had no desire to do anything extra and needed a lot of help with house maintenance. Praise God for His goodness and healing!
  • It felt great this week, to donate lots of STUFF around the house. While having stuff is not a problem, it can distract us from God as our Provider. It takes our eyes off Him and makes it appear we are in control. Ironically, when everything falls apart (and it often does!), we quickly realize how untrue that is. We can’t depend on ourselves, but God is more than enough for our problems. It’s good to acknowledge Him ALL the time, not just when we need Him to bail us out.
  • Usually, the beginning of the week is quite busy with deadlines, work, and more. So by the end of the week, I try to cram in a bunch of household chores, time with Lydia, and other important tasks. This week, my schedule unexpectedly opened up on Friday. I had lots of plans, but as the day continued, I made changes. By God’s grace, I decided to rest a bit! I ran a couple simple errands and caught up on some reading. I also made some DIY beauty products (with Lydia’s help!). It was a fun experience, and I feel rejuvenated instead of worn out. It’s a constant challenge to rest, but I’m thankful God knows when I need a break!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?

The Problem With Too Much Stuff

I’ve been spring cleaning ever since having my water heater replaced earlier this month! Long overdue, I’m donating, selling, returning, replacing, upgrading, and throwing away various items around the house. Old books, dirty rugs, faded towels, clothes, toys, etc.

Over the weekend, I bought two new dresses (same style, different colors!). I’m excited to wear them and it was fun to buy something just for myself. I don’t do that often.

Back at home, however, I had a problem. My closet was already stuffed!

clothes in closet

I saw two dresses I never wear, including one I bought at a resale shop…because it was a good deal. 🙂 Knowing I’d never wear them, I called a local consignment shop.

As I made room in my closet, I grabbed two more dresses I received in a friendly swap. I soon discovered other items, too.

Uncomfortable. Too long. Too short. Wrong shape. Wrong color.

Quickly, I pulled clothes from my closet, tossing them on the bed. Two shirts still had tags. A few items were resale pieces I didn’t wear after all. Some never fit well in the first place.

I had a huge pile after gathering dresses, skirts, and shirts. I made a separate pile for later of winter sweaters and jeans. I also tossed in a pair of never-worn shoes and a plethora of colorful scarves, hats, and purses.

It feels good to see space between items now!

For the record, I still have plenty of clothes! But now, I have better idea of what is in my closet, and I’ll donate what doesn’t sell. I hate wasting money on stuff that goes unused.

stack of clothes

In contrast…

About a month ago, I bought Lydia new gym shoes for a ‘sports sampler’ class through our park district. She outgrew last year’s sneakers, and clearly, flip flops and princess heels would not work!

In the class, Lydia has learned about soccer, basketball, baseball, and bowling, among others. I didn’t tell her about it before we went to the shoe store, though. So, she didn’t request or realize she needed new shoes.

But I did.

I wanted Lydia to be prepared and gladly paid for what she needed. She was thrilled when we found a light-up pair of sneakers. They were both functional (my goal) and flashy (her goal)! I enjoyed seeing Lydia’s excitement… “Thanks, Mom! You’re the best!”

Thus, Lydia got new shoes, while I removed old items that should’ve been gone years ago!


Perhaps we all have too much stuff. Sure. However, the real problem comes when we forget Our Provider by always trying to provide for ourselves.

It’s the subtle difference between buying something I really want…and buying it with gratitude, acknowledging God’s gracious provision. Sometimes, this means just window shopping. Occasionally, it’s purchasing two dresses that make me feel beautiful.

Obviously, we don’t need more stuff! God does call us to be faithful stewards of what He has already entrusted to us. Yet, He also enjoys lavishing His grace and love upon us.

If I view a sale as my only chance to get something good, that’s the wrong motive. When I have the right perspective (and budget), I can freely buy something. Often, I can walk away from a sale altogether, knowing my money is better spent elsewhere.

To be fair, I know some very generous bargain hunters. These ladies find deals, give wonderful gifts, and unselfishly donate to others. Most of them have an entire closet dedicated to gift-giving. They are always prepared, and they’ve taught me so much!

Matthew 6_30-33

In these verses, I’m reminded God knows all of our needs before we do. He takes pleasure in giving because He loves us (not because of anything we do). That’s grace!

A good, good Father, God often provides for us before we realize the need. He wants us to ask, yes, but He is generous even when we don’t. He knows the Plan (His Plan); He prepares us for what is ahead; and blesses us to be a blessing to others.

But we have to let Him.


Heavenly Father, You are our extravagant Provider! Thanks for giving us all we need. Help us be content…not preoccupied with getting for ourselves, but receiving what we need with open hearts. Help us spend our money wisely and cheerfully give to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever sold anything on consignment? Has this post made you rethink any purchases? Godliness with contentment is great gain!

Finding Grace #6

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!


Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  1. This week I felt like a social butterfly. I had many great conversations and connections with a wide variety of people…on the phone and in person. One day, I met a friend to catch up. We’ve both been through a lot these last few years. I was so glad to hear what God has done in her life lately. God is so good!

2. Monday evening was spent with other friends, celebrating the job relocation of a dear couple. It was bittersweet, but it is always amazing to see how God directs us on new paths. He weaves our stories together, and then moves us on to learn, grow, and impact a new set of friends.

3. My monthly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group met this week. These ladies have been good to me, and I have learned so much from them. MOPS was a real lifesaver for me those first several months as a single mom. I appreciate discussing motherhood and parenting challenges in a warm and welcoming place. I’m thankful for the friendships I’ve made there. Lydia always begs to go back too, so that’s a bonus!

4. Today, I saw a robin hopping around my yard. We had a very mild winter this year, and robins are rather basic birds. But, I consider them one of the first signs of spring. Growing up, a pair of robins nested in our tree house each year. Each spring, we watched the bright blue eggs hatch and the little birds grow!

Three years ago, when Dave was so sick, we had a very long winter (with snow even into May). Seeing robins back then gave me hope in that dark time.

God never fails to bring the spring!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?

On Honeybees and Hope

Honeybees are fascinating creatures. Many years ago, I chose beekeeping as an FFA project in high school. Yes, through high school and part of college, I was a beekeeper!

Worldwide, honeybee survival is a serious issue (one I dealt with too). There are many factors involved, yet, honeybees are vital; they pollinate most of our crops!

bee on white flower

Believe it or not, after ordering them, my honeybees arrived in the mail! They were packed in a small, wooden container covered with mesh screen. There was enough sugar water for the trip, and they clustered inside around the queen.

Every year, at 6 am, on the second Tuesday in April, I would get a phone call from someone at the post office. “Come and get your bees!!” One of the post office workers was allergic to bees and obviously wanted to avoid getting stung.

My dad or I would go pick up the containers, each filled with nearly 12,000 honeybees. I usually had three hives, but at one point, I had five. I didn’t get stung often, but once I got stung nine times—even through my bee suit! I must’ve been tinkering too long!

With my smoker and hive tool, I removed beeswax-covered frames from the hives. Then, I extracted the honey by hand in a ‘spinner’ (using centrifugal force). I sold the resulting jars of honey around my hometown. I also sold chunk honey and comb honey, too, both of which come with some of the beeswax.

The first time I tried my wildflower honey, I thought it was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. I did a side-by-side comparison with the store-bought honey from the kitchen cupboard. It was awful—like cough syrup!


Honeybee Facts

A typical honeybee colony has around 60,000-80,000 workers during its active season (summer). Worker honeybees take on many specialized roles during their brief six-week lifespan. Some ‘jobs’ only last for a couple days.

These include cleaning the hive, feeding larvae to form new honeybees, and tending to the queen. Older honeybee tasks include hive ventilation, defending the hive from intruders, and foraging for nectar and pollen. Cue the famous ‘waggle dance’ (see cool video here)!

Honeybees live longer in the cold months, so they can maintain the hive until spring. Still, the temperature in the hive remains around 93 degrees at all times. In winter, honeybees form a cluster inside the hive to stay warm and conserve energy.

Honeybees never sleep!

bee colony

A colony of honeybees consumes about 60 pounds of honey during winter, but they make much more (up to 400 pounds of honey!). Beekeepers harvest the excess.

A single honeybee can travel several miles from the hive to collect nectar, which eventually becomes honey. They can fly at speeds of 15 mph (pretty slow for an insect) and their wings beat about 200 beats per second!

A honeybee can visit ten flowers a minute, up to two hundred flowers on an average foraging journey. Yet, a single honeybee will only produce 1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime. Thus, it takes 768 honeybees visiting approximately two million flowers to make one pound of honey.

It would take about 1 ounce of honey to fuel a honeybee’s flight around the world.

Honey never spoils. The color of the honey varies depends on the plants where the nectar was collected. Honey contains vitamins, antibacterial enzymes, and is about 20% water.


chunk honey

A hive in action is amazing to watch—tens of thousands of honeybees working toward a common goal. Like the inner workings of a beehive, Life is better when we work together.

Seasons change, and our roles do too. We may not always fathom our contribution in God’s larger plan. But don’t let that stop you. Take heart. Trust God and keep serving others. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).

Like little honeybees, we have a lot of work to do each day. As we move from one task or person to the next, let’s encourage one another. Sometimes Life stings! But, gracious words are like honey and bring messages of hope, sweet to the soul (Proverbs 16:24).

How refreshing!


God, thanks for honeybees and honey! Thanks for the sweet grace and hope You bring. Help us remain patient and steadfast in difficult seasons. Give us joy as we trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If you eat honey, what is your favorite way to eat it? Have you ever been stung by a honeybee? How can you encourage someone today?

Finding Grace #5

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!


Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  1. This week was unusual in that I got a new water heater on Monday! But first, I had to “rough it” for a few days. I was so grateful for God’s provision. Be sure to read all about it in ‘Water Heater Heroes’.

2. On Monday, Lydia and I saw a friend from church at the bookstore in the mall. She helps with the children’s ministry and knows Lydia. She gladly helped us find a Phillips, Craig & Dean CD, which Lydia has been asking for since we saw their Christmas concert in December. We have since enjoyed singing many of the familiar songs.

3. Starting with the new water heater, this week turned out to be heavy in the home improvement area. (Nothing else major, and I am thankful for simple fixes.) Several electronic items, from games to tv remotes, needed new batteries. Light bulbs always need replaced, and many of them are difficult to reach. This week it’s a light in the garage door opener. I’ll have to ‘phone a friend’ since I can’t figure out how to get the cover off. While light bulbs are relatively minor, I am thankful for the kindness of others!

4. This week, I needed an extra dose of God’s grace for parenting. Yes, I lost my temper a few times when Lydia was being disobedient or not listening. Later, I apologized, but God gently reminded me to lay aside my agenda and play with Lydia or read to her. We enjoyed finding hidden objects in a picture book, reading together, and talking about our day. Many times, Lydia said spending time together was her favorite part of the day!

5. This year, I’m focusing on implementing more rest in my daily and weekly routine. It’s still a struggle at times to stop and take a break, but I managed to soak my sore feet while reading. (Yay, me!) Lydia was very interested in this, so I let her try it out too. She loved it! Interestingly, it opened up dialog about being a servant to others, and I explained the story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet (see John 13). I was thankful for the opportunity to show-and-tell my little girl about Jesus.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?

Water Heater Heroes

Last Saturday, I was exercising in my basement when I heard: “Um, Mom, come in here! Someone peed on the floor!”

 “What?! Lydia!” I grilled her thoroughly about all the possibilities. “I didn’t do it, Mom.”

(Hmmm, who did she think peed on the floor?!)


Well, the floor was definitely wet. I grabbed a towel and mopped up the hand-sized spot. Then, I started investigating and found the surrounding area was damp too. Hastily, I called my neighbor who was the plumber when my house was originally built.

Now, that’s God’s grace!

My neighbor came right away. He discovered the water heater needed replaced. Though, he was supposed to leave town within the hour. He couldn’t alter his plans…nor did I expect him to.

Yet, he stayed to help! The wet area was relatively small, and we hoped to salvage the carpet once it dried. We peeled back the carpet along an entire wall to expose the wet padding underneath (which I tossed). To do this, we had to unload and move two bookcases. Then, I borrowed his industrial-sized fan to dry the wet area.

fan under stairs water heater 1

I hadn’t showered yet on Saturday when this all happened! I thought about bathing at a friend’s house or staying at a hotel. But, all things considered, heating water on the stove seemed like a perfect solution. We still had cold water, electricity, comfortable beds, plenty of food, clean dishes and clothes… I was set for days without my hot water heater! And, I know many people around the world do not have easy access to clean water, let alone the luxury of hot water.

While it was a little inconvenient, it was not unbearable. You see, we do not have to be afraid of bad news or problems. Instead, let’s have confidence in the Lord, and watch Him take care of us! (See Psalm 112:7)

On Monday morning, my water heater was replaced with a new, more energy-efficient one. Praise God, the warranty was still valid for three months! My carpet was also restretched to its original form (with a new pad underneath). I enjoyed talking to the kind, older gentleman who helped me. He laid the carpet several years ago before we moved in, and grew teary-eyed as I told him some of my story.

pot of water

I needed God’s grace and help because I didn’t know how to fix these problems on my own. He showed me favor in the following ways:

  • We were home when the leak happened and we avoided water all over my basement. This is especially significant given our recent travels. It could have been disastrous even if we were just running errands in town.
  • Lydia noticed the wet floor and told me right away. Later, I apologized for being upset and thanked her for speaking up. I don’t think the floor had been wet for long!
  • My neighbor was home; I caught him just before he was supposed to leave town.
  • He was willing to help and promptly came over. Thank You, God, for good neighbors!
  • We found the problem quickly and my neighbor knew what to do about it.
  • I had washed dishes and laundry that morning, so had plenty of fresh items to use.
  • The perfectly-timed warranty saved me some money. The new water heater also has a good warranty (let’s hope I don’t need it!).
  • My neighbor recommended the man who fixed my carpet. It was good I called when I did, because he is usually booked several weeks out. He was able to squeeze me in that day, after finishing another job earlier than planned. (Praise God!) I paid a very fair price and was saved the stress of having to call other people. He even vacuumed the area and helped me move the heavy bookcases back along the wall!
  • Our city is switching to a new water source in June, so now I’ll have a new, upgraded water heater with better water.
  • Moving the bookcases revealed several books I no longer need. I donated the books and a few other household items, and now I have some extra space. 🙂


Heavenly Father, thanks for covering this situation with Your undeniable grace. Thank You for giving me favor and restoring my home. Please bless these men who helped me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What’s the worse home disaster you have had? Can you see how God helped you through it?

Finding Grace #4

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

heart cloud

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  1. On Monday, I had a 12-Hour Turnaround on our road trip back to ND. I am so thankful Lydia is a good traveler; she didn’t notice my funky mood. She happily gazed out the window and pointed out shapes and creatures in the clouds. The rest of the week was spent getting back into our routine after traveling. And, I have been thanking God for His work in my life.

2. On Monday, we were in the car so long the radio repeated songs two or three times each. My heart has been full this week as I overhear Lydia singing worship choruses, while playing or trying to fall asleep. It’s a joy listening to what is on her little heart.

3. I firmly believe in sending handwritten thank you notes. This was instilled in me as a child, and Lydia will learn this too. Daniel Tiger (a PBS kids show) has an episode dedicated to “Thank You Day.” Lydia was excited to have her own Thank You Day, where she made cards covered in stickers for relatives who gave her little gifts and trinkets at Easter. I helped write in the cards, of course, but Lydia signed her name. I sent my own notes too, and Lydia volunteered to sign her name on them to show her appreciation as well!

4. Yesterday, we celebrated a sweet little girl’s birthday with an indoor pool party. She was born three years ago today, when Dave’s health was rapidly declining. Her proud daddy visited us in the same hospital after she was born. I’ve enjoyed watching her and her siblings grow over the years, and I am so thankful for her and her family. They have been good to include us in many activities.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him! (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?