Do You Feel Lucky?!

Do you feel lucky? (Well, do ya, Punk?!) 😉

Tomorrow is March 17th —Saint Patrick’s Day—so remember to wear your green!

I happen to have a little Irish blood on my dad’s side, but many people celebrate even if they’re not Irish. There are so many fun traditions and folklore!

Here’s a picture of Lydia’s first St. Patrick’s Day several years ago. This was a couple months before Dave got sick. Lydia wasn’t even sitting up yet!

Lydia's first St Patrick's Day

Luck is a term we use casually to wish someone well, in the sense of good fortune or success: “Good luck with your presentation today!” Or, it can be used in the negative sense of ‘bad luck’ usually associated with an accident. Occasionally, you’ll even see a sarcastic eye-roll as in, “Yeah…good luck with that!”

Recently, there was an incident that could’ve had a big impact on my finances. I received a message about a fraudulent charge on my debit card. I was concerned because I had just looked at my account ten minutes prior to the call. I hadn’t noticed anything suspicious, so was a little freaked out. I immediately hung up and notified my bank.

Sure enough, someone in Rhode Island spent over $100 at a gas station with my information! I have never been to Rhode Island, and have no idea how that happened!

Needless to say, I am now waiting for a new debit card because my other account was closed. While it’s somewhat inconvenient, I don’t really mind considering the alternative. I was thankful for my bank and the quick response.

Some people might consider me lucky. “Whew, you’re lucky that worked out!” However, I did not feel lucky—I felt LOVED.
I was grateful for God’s grace that covered the situation. He not only provides for me—He protects me, too. Thank You, Jesus, for looking out for me!


I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to leave my life up to accident, luck, lottery, chance, or coincidence. It is dangerous to have my safety, security, and success hinged on something completely unreliable. So what should we do instead?

TRUST GOD. He is Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. His Name shows His character and faithfulness. God is limitless and is more than able to meet our genuine needs. He is generous to give us what we desire too.

Note: For the most part, God is not into instant gratification. Most often we find we have to wait. But as we wait, God refines our desires to and prepares our hearts to receive His best.

Waiting is not passive. It includes praising God, learning more about Him, and being obedient in the present. Waiting grows hope and cultivates patience (see Psalm 37:7). When our focus is on God, not on the stuff we want, our attitude is right.

OBEY. God rewards obediencedoing what He asks us to do. Sometimes, we get rewarded with a promotion at work, or a something new and shiny…sure. But God is not a genie! Our temporary ‘happiness’ is not His utmost goal. Becoming more like His Son, Jesus, carries eternal significance (see Galatians 5:22-23).

PRAY. God loves it when we come to Him. He cares about every detail in our lives! It may take awhile to see the answer—keep praying. God will come through for you. It’s a privilege to pray for others, too. What a blessing to be part of what God is doing for someone else!

Whether God answers YES, NO, or WAIT, be thankful. He says NO on our behalf, so we can say YES to His best. Trust Him; do what He says to do; and keep praying.


“God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection” (Psalm 18:30). That’s better than winning the lottery!

Father God, thanks for Your protection. You meet our needs and fill our lives with goodness! Help us to walk in obedience as You faithfully lead us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How does it feel to know the ‘odds’ are 100% that God hears and answers your prayers? Is it difficult to trust God with the answer, or do you truly leave it up to Him?