Over the years, I have grown more comfortable going to see movies on my own. The crazy thing is… it always seems God that meets me at the theater! I’m not joking! Each time I go by myself something interesting happens…
Yesterday, I went to see a matinee showing of “I Can Only Imagine.” I went to a matinee during school hours. As soon as I walked in the door to buy my ticket, my friend, Gwen, ran over to greet me.
I didn’t see Gwen standing there so it was a funny surprise. She was waiting for a friend who I found out was my former neighbor. Lori recognized me from when she and her family still lived on our block. Now, she and her family live out of town near Gwen; their kids go to school together.
We briefly caught up and decided to sit together during the movie. Seeing these ladies was a cool and unexpected blessing. I had considered going to an earlier showing yesterday but decided to run errands instead. I’m so grateful God directs our steps!
The movie told the story behind the hit song of the same name. The movie, in my opinion, was not overly religious…but it was very real. It did not hide the character’s pain or gloss over ugly details. I loved seeing how a relationship with Jesus changes everything.
The main character, Bart Millard, grew up in an abusive household. But when he was in high school, his father started seeking the Lord. It was challenging for Bart to forgive his father, but he did. Praise God, his dad was transformed into a new man! He and Bart improved their relationship before it was too late.
For me, the story, told in the song and movie, highlights what Easter is all about—REDEMPTION. Jesus Christ loved us so much that came to earth and He gave His life on the cross for us. His blood paid the price of our sin and took away the punishment we ourselves deserve: Death. We could never accomplish that on our own.
The movie was a great reminder that Jesus never gives up on us! No one is beyond His salvation. He wants everyone to come to Him… What grace!
But, God didn’t stop there. On Resurrection Sunday, Jesus rose to life again through the power of the Holy Spirit. The best part is that when we accept what Jesus did for us, we are forgiven AND we also receive a new life. We are transformed from the inside out.
Knowing Jesus gives us hope for our future in Heaven—but He also gives us new purpose today. Not only do we have redemption but Jesus also brings RESTORATION.
Jesus renews us and makes us whole. We have new opportunities and can make good choices that honor Him. Because of Jesus, we also can live with joy and fulfillment even in the midst of painful circumstances. Trust me… I know!
We don’t need all the answers to walk by faith. Some situations may years to resolve, but we know that someday, Jesus will make everything right. He is faithful and just!
How awesome that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in us, too! Not only are we forgiven and have peace with God, but the Holy Spirit’s power is our strength when we ourselves are weak. He enables us to do far more than we can think or imagine according to His power working in us (see Ephesians 3:20)!
Though we should all encourage each other and work together to glorify Jesus, God has made each of us for a unique role. Therefore, how He works in each of our lives may also look different. We don’t need to compare ourselves!
For me, having God’s power alive and active inside of me means I can choose to walk by faith instead of fear. I have Victory over fear. I am FREE and don’t have to be afraid!
Thank You, Jesus, for dying on the cross for me! Thanks for giving me new life and freedom. Help me live boldly and walk by faith. Renew me and transform me from the inside out. In Your Name, Amen.
Questions: Have you received God’s free gift of salvation? From what has Jesus redeemed you?
Tasks: Listen to the song, “I Can Only Imagine,” by MercyMe. Read this article about the song and movie! And, go see the movie!
I am always awed by the idea of such powerful power living inside of us. It motivates me to follow God more closely just to see His power work around me.