My mom and I were on the phone recently, and we had a great conversation. Always my biggest fan, I count on what she says. Mom mentioned how much I have changed these last few years. She said, “This may not be the right word, but you’re not as uptight now!”
I got a good laugh out of that…you know it’s true if you don’t even mind when someone says it! I couldn’t agree more. And, I am so glad my mom and others have noticed!
Later, after some self-reflection and prayer, I retook an online personality test.
You can take your own short test here—I’d love to know your results!
I previously took this same test a year or so before Dave died. Some results were accurate, but others left me with questions I couldn’t resolve. This time, I was able to think of specific instances for each question. Some areas scored the same as before, validating my strengths. Just as I suspected, I received a completely different score for the final area.
I’m cautious to place too much value on “results.” But God showed me so much about myself! My doubts were cleared up when I realized the new results were a much better fit.
Now I have explanations for traits I wanted to overlook. I didn’t fully understand them before and considered them weaknesses. Now I can acknowledge them and use that information more effectively. What a relief as I switched my perspective.
At first, I didn’t know if I should laugh with joy or cry with gratitude at the new results. I love seeing myself in a fresh way. I think I was always meant to be this way because it feels so natural! It just took me a long time to get to a place where I could appreciate it.
Looking back, I think part of the tension from over-planning and perfectionism came from pushing myself to function in ways that were never my strengths. Wow.
Over the last few years, I have planned less and ‘flowed’ more. My stress levels have decreased as I have put less pressure on myself to do things ‘just so.’ I have learned to set better boundaries, say ‘no,’ and schedule downtime to avoid burnout.
Sometimes we need a shift in our thinking. Sometimes we need to do things differently. Sometimes we need to do both!
For example, I love cooking and trying new foods. However, I can easily get stuck making the same things. Even as a dietitian, it can be challenging to regularly think of innovative food options. With fresh summer produce just around the corner, let me tell you about one of my favorite foodie finds—a spiralizer. It has brought new life to my cooking routine!
A spiralizer makes spiral cuts on your favorite fruits and veggies. It can make noodles or other shapes and is a lot of fun! I use this one (pictured) from Amazon. No affiliate links. I’m not earning any money off this post—I just really like my spiralizer!
I have enjoyed making new dishes since I bought mine last year. My creativity flows while cooking and I enjoy the freedom that comes with God’s grace!
My favorite items to spiralize include apples, beets, carrots and zucchini noodles.
The first time I used my spiralizer, it was early afternoon and we had not eaten lunch yet. Excitedly, I spiralized some apples. Lydia started shoving them in her mouth! Realizing she was over-hungry, I melted some peanut butter on top and Lydia devoured them.
I love beets, though I recommend using gloves when handling them. I often purchase them already cooked. After spiralizing the cooked beets, I add a balsamic vinegar reduction, goat or feta cheese, and few chopped walnuts. Yum!
Carrots (above) are so pretty when spiralized! I’ve added Alfredo sauce to Lydia’s carrot noodles and chicken with peanut sauce to mine. I have thrown them in with other dishes to jazz up leftovers during the week, too.
Zucchini is a great all-around vegetable. It’s versatile and can be used instead of pasta noodles. Or, you can chop the “noodles” to make something else, like muffins.
If you’re interested, Ali at has a great website. She has tons of recipes and tutorials for your favorite veggies. She used the same spiralizer from Amazon until she decided to design her own. I have not tried that one, but you might check it out!
God, You are so patient and wise. You have made us wonderfully complex! Thanks for Your grace and love as You work in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Have you ever taken a personality test? What is your favorite kitchen gadget? Let me know in the comments section!
I’ve never taken a personality test. Might be a bit afraid of what I would find
If I get my courage up, I will take this one,
I have Ali’s Inspiralizer and love it. I have lots of kitchen gadgets I love, but one of my favorites is one your Mom put in the Christmas exchange a few years ago, It is something I never would have purchased, but owning it has made cooking ground meat so much easier! It is a Pampered Chef mix and chop. Love it and recommend it,
I can totally walk you through this personality test if you are interested. I have a simplified paper version, but even the online one is only about 10 minutes long. It is very insightful! For me, it has given me words to understand and describe myself. It also helps me understand others (and extend them grace, too!).
Does Ali’s inspiralizer move around? Mine does a little bit. That’s the only downside. I don’t have the PC mix and chop, but I have heard good things about it!
My favorite kitchen gadget is the ice cream scoop! Mine is orange, I paid $1 for it, and it dishes out my favorite summer food.