I have previously written about a choice we have to make between fear and faith. Choosing faith is about consistently trusting Jesus and not giving in to fear. If it were easy, everyone would do it!
Another choice we can make is between joy and misery. I don’t always remember that I have a choice in how I feel…but I do have a choice. I can’t control the outcome or situation, but I can control how I react…
So lately, I have been being more proactive—planning ahead of time what my ‘reaction’ will be in a given situation. I think about my day in terms of all the choices and activities I face.
I choose between getting up early or sleeping in. I also choose my attitude each morning when getting myself and Lydia ready for the day. I consider all the people I will see and influence through conversations. I even think about what I’m going to have for lunch or dinner, and the fact that I need to go to the store at some point.
Not all of these will go as I imagine, and that’s to be expected. Quite often, life seems upside down. There will be some surprises!
But instead of making my emotions the center, I focus my heart on Jesus. This helps me not attach my faith to the outcome…but to Jesus alone.
He is the one who determines my steps.
Ultimately, my ‘success’ is not measured by the world’s standards. It comes down to if I am obedient to God, to follow His instructions. And that takes work…effort.
As such, I aim to go to sleep at a certain time. I tell Lydia how much I love her. I choose to pray for my patients before I get to work. I do my best with what I have.
Yet, there is one more way I can prepare myself for success: I can choose joy ahead of time. Or, at the very least I can choose not to be miserable, by having a good attitude and not complaining!! There is joy in serving the Lord!
Happiness is linked to whether our environment is pleasing to us. Happiness, while certainly good, is based on emotions. It is subject to change based on what happens.
Cue the emotional roller coaster…when times get tough!
Joy is more internal, not dependent on outward circumstances, which can change quite rapidly. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and is from God. It’s not optimism or positivity, as nice as those are. Joy comes when God fortifies us with His strength.
Joy shines most brightly in the midst of trials. Choosing joy comes with trusting God and stepping forward in faith. Joy is invaluable. It’s not always easy, but choosing faith, joy, and Jesus is always worth it!
Neither faith nor joy is easy all the time. If they were, we wouldn’t struggle—and we wouldn’t need Jesus. There will be tough days ahead…guaranteed.
But by God’s grace, we have made it through every other tough day so far. And praise God, we can keep moving forward in joy and faith…even if we don’t feel like it!
God, thank You for being with us in each trial. Thanks for leading us and preparing the way. Help us not get stuck in our emotions, but move forward with wisdom, courage, faith, joy, and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you consider yourself ‘joyful’? Why or why not?
Tasks: Listen to “Joy” by For King and Country. Make sure you turn it up and dance!
I love this song, and you are so right. I like that you said we can choose ahead of time to be joyful. That proves that joy is not a feeling but an attitude, and it comes straight from the Lord. I can say I’m going to be joyful when trouble comes, but it is only by letting Jesus help me that I can actually carry out a joyful attitude.