If you are a regular reader here, I hope I have earned your trust. That’s because I have a small confession to make. Yes, here is my baggage claim: When it comes to traveling, I always pack too much stuff! (Whew!)
I have gotten better over the years, but still, I tend to over-pack! When I was younger, my older sister would sit on my suitcase in order for me to zip it shut! Even now, I like road trips slightly more than flying because I can pack just about anything I want! I have a whole car to work with!
It’s not that I absolutely need everything I pack. I am relatively low-maintenance in terms of clothing and cosmetics. Nope. I simply like to have options! You know…JUST. IN. CASE.
Extra shirts, socks, shoes… Extra shampoo, floss, and nail clippers… You need it…I have it!
It is wise to be prepared. However, I may need to scale back on my planning and preparedness. It’s rare that I actually run out of an item, but yes, I could most likely borrow or purchase something if it was important.
I also tend to pack other items for family or friends to save me postage. On my last trip, I packed a sweater for my mom, a jar of apple butter for my mother-in-law, and a couple shirts for a friend.
As you can imagine, all of that extra weight starts to add up. After a couple recent road trips (still over-packing), I started to wonder…how much extra stuff do we carry around in our daily lives?
Our schedules. We often jam too much in our days. We can feel overwhelmed with all we have to do. This is a big one for me. I am learning to prayerfully consider what I can really handle before saying yes to something.
Our social calendars. We say yes to too many events, often because we are afraid to upset someone by saying no. Let’s ditch the need to please!
Emotional baggage. This may include fear, guilt, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, or even self-pity. Releasing these burdens can certainly lighten your load.
Other burdens. This might include buying too much at the local ‘stuff mart.’ Whether overspending or simply wanting more stuff… Indeed, sometimes less truly is more. A little contentment goes a long way.
All of these things can weigh us down. If we’re not careful, we can hinder ourselves from moving forward and living a full life. We were never meant to carry the entire load on our own. Jesus beckons to us to let Him help.
Life can be difficult. Even if you don’t travel much, perhaps daily burdens are adding up. If so, consider adding these to your daily pack:
Start with God’s love and grace. His love is the best foundation and carries us securely throughout the day. Don’t leave home without it! God’s grace is always abundant and reminds us of His goodness. It also makes a great gift to give away.
Then add joy. Joy keeps us light-hearted on our journey.
Next, add thankfulness mixed with praise. When we praise God with thankful hearts—even in the difficult moments—we avoid a pileup of worries.
After that, add faith and hope. “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). When we trust that God has great things in store for us, we can expect good things…even if our travel plans (or life plans) go awry.
Finally, don’t forget your peace. Peace comes hand-in-hand with God’s rest. If we remain at peace, it is easier to have rest in our hearts and in our lives. The lack of internal peace is a good indicator that something is not quite right. Therefore, we can use that to make adjustments so we can retain a good attitude and right perspective throughout the day.
Praise God, we don’t have to carry our troubles alone. May we bring our burdens to Jesus today! In exchange for our problems, He gives us His peace and rest. He will also make sure we have everything else we need for a successful journey. Thank You, Jesus!
Heavenly Father, thank You for walking with us side-by-side. Remind us to bring our heavy loads to You. May we have light hearts and live freely in the beauty of each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Questions: Do you have any tips for an over-packer, like me? What other qualities would you add to your daily pack?